It’s official, coffee is the fuel that is powering our world. The sweet aroma of freshly brewed coffee in the morning followed by a sudden energy kick which has rightfully claimed its place in our fast-paced environment.
Millions of people from different cultures and locations enjoy coffee's many nuanced forms daily. This is why I created the article best coffee beans UK.
So whether it's Peruvian coffee or Ethiopian coffee, there is something for you on that list.
You need to check out the above article because I am confident you will be thrilled by the list of brands you will find.
With that said, you’d be surprised to know that the love for coffee exists in almost all parts of the world.
So whether it's the remote villages of Nepal or the metropolitans of the UK, you’ll always find a cup of coffee!

The sheer variety of coffee facts can be overwhelming.
So here’s the 101 on coffee, from how it started to where we stand today and what your next steps should be to enjoy your favourite cup.
Our guide on Coffee in the UK 2023 will teach you exactly what to expect when you order a cup of steaming coffee or get yourself a bag of freshly roasted beans!
What is Coffee?
Ah, There is no easy way to define it, as this magic drink holds a different meaning for everyone. For some, it’s the perfect start to the day; for others, it’s the perfect mid-day escape from a hectic routine.
But to keep things accurate, coffee beans are produced from a plant covered with green, waxy leaves and enriched with cherries. And some of the best coffee beans in the world has hold on you that makes you go wow.

The plant is grown in mild to hot temperatures with lots of rain and fertile soil. This is why it is primarily grown in the Equatorial zone called the ‘’Bean Belt’’.
You’d be happy to know that experts have found between 25-100 different species of coffee plants - so there is a lot of variety.
Do you know what’s even better? The commercial coffee industry has provided us with many different coffee roast types and flavours to try at home.
There is something for everyone!
The Origin of Coffee
If you trace it back to its origins, it was discovered sometime around the 10th century.
It’s believed that coffe was first uncovered in Ethiopia. And the story? It all began with a goat that was, well, overly energetic.

As the Ethiopian legend goes, Kaldi, the herder of the goat, was curious to know how his goats were so full of energy after eating one particular plant.
They were so hyperactive that they didn’t sleep for the entire night! So naturally, Kaldi wanted to know the reason behind this.
Yes, you guessed it right. The coffee plant, with red fruits and shrubs, was giving goats their caffeine boost.
Kaldi then shared his findings with a local monastery and tried the drink independently. Again, his findings were correct - the drink gave him the energy to stay awake during the evening prayer.
And hence the legend of coffee began. Fast forward to today, and coffee in the UK 2023 is one of the most popular beverages in the country!
The No-Nonsense Coffee History
You already know how the magic of coffee was discovered - all thanks to a goat. But how has this powerful blend stood the test of time?
Here’s the straight and no-nonsense history of coffee. It wasn’t until the 16th century that the cultivation and trading of Joe began in the Arabian Peninsula.
This journey towards the east is what moved coffee all over the globe. This beverage had earned a spot in everyone’s homes and was commercially available at eateries known as ‘’Qaveh Khaneh’’.
It rapidly gained popularity for its aroma, flavour, richness, and caffeine boost.
The 17th century developed into the golden era for coffee all around Europe. cofdee houses went on to become centres of social and intellectual activity.
And it was in the 1800s that the tide of popularity for this beverage became even more intense. Pre-roasted coffee was sold in paper bags by the pound!
Fast forward to the 19th and 20 centuries, mass production of coffee along with coffee machines began.
This beverage has now officially taken over the world.
The Difference Between Ground Coffee and Whole Bean
Knowing your coffee will take you one step ahead on your coffee connoisseur journey! Let’s get started with the coffee concepts.
So, there are two main categories of how you consume coffee at the brewing level, ground and whole bean. So what’s the difference between the two?
The answer is straightforward. The main distinction between the two types is their physical form.
Ground coffee comes pre-ground and packed, while the whole bean is unground and in a pure bean form. Both have their unique set of advantages as well as disadvantages.
Ground coffee, for example, is convenient and easy to make. But it also tends to lose its flavour and aroma more quickly than its counterpart, beans.
Whole beans are what we like to call the ‘’solid stuff’’. A cup of freshly brewed coffee made from freshly ground beans will not only taste amazing, but whole beans actually last much longer.
But how?
Ground particles are subject to the oxidation process. This means the air quickly turns the coffee stale, just like ‘bread’ physically turns stale after exposure to the atmosphere.
Purchasing a coffee bean grinder and grinding beans fresh for optimum flavour results is advisable.
Types of Whole Bean Coffee
Want to know your beans? There are four types of whole coffee beans:
The coffee bean ‘Arabica’ was first discovered in Ethiopia and might just be the first type of bean ever discovered!
This coffww variety is more difficult to grow and a bit pricier. This is because it’s typically grown in high-altitude conditions, making farming and cherry-picking more difficult.

The high altitude conditions also make the quality and flavour distinct, making these coffees more premium and exclusive. The flavours are typically pronounced and more fruit and sweet-like, hence the popularity.
On the other hand, Robusta is a lower quality and budget-friendly option for all those who have a raging love affair with coffe but can’t afford the Arabica variety.
Compared to Arabica coffee, Robusta is much easier to harvest since it grows on flat, low altitudes and can be mass-produced using farming equipment.
The commodity-grade coffee industry takes advantage of this which is why approximately 95% of the coffee industry still uses Robusta.
But there are some disadvantages relating to this from a health perspective, such as the use of pesticides.
The beans have a bitter, roasted taste and are an excellent choice for all those who like their coffee dark. However, it also has a strong smell, so it’s certainly not for the faint of heart or nose.
But there’s a special fan base of Robusta beans, and some of the popular UK coffee experts use these beans to develop the perfect cup of rich and strong coffee.
Have you ever heard of or tasted coffee that had a floral aroma and a smoky yet piquant taste? It must be a product of the Liberica beans!
Usually mixed with other varieties to add more depth to the flavour, Liberica is less popular.

Liberica beans are also notorious for the massive inconsistencies in their taste.
But some Liberica enthusiasts are enormous fans of the nutty and woody flavour, while most people don’t appreciate the many nuances of these beans.
Primarily grown across Southeast Asia, Excelsa is now considered a part of Liberica beans.
Like Liberica beans, Excelsa is also known for its unique taste. It combines the tones of light roast with a splash of fruity flavours that have undertones of dark roast.
Despite the depth of their flavour, they maintain a sweet aroma reminiscent of light roasts.
Speciality Coffee
You must have overheard someone in the queue at your local coffee house using the word ‘’speciality coffee'’.
But what is specialty-grade coffee, and what makes it so unique, you ask?
Speciality coffee is the term used to describe the highest grade of coffee available, exceptionally brewed and farmed for modern-day consumption!

You’d be happy to know that cofdee too, is subjected to a rigorous quality assurance process to check its texture, flavour, and aroma.
This quality grading method is known as the ‘’Brazilian Cupping Method’’. Coffe is graded on a scale of 0-100, with 100 being the highest.
And where does speciality coffee lie on the scale? Any coffee scoring a whopping point of 80 or above is officially, ladies and gentlemen, speciality coffee!
Getting your hands on speciality coffee is no joke. Coffee farmers invest in the best farming methodology to pick coffee during its peak ripeness.
All the stakeholders in the consequent supply chain put in blood and sweat to maintain or enhance the quality of coffee. Hence, getting a cup of speciality coffee UK is not as easy as you’d think.
And if you’re into a milder taste of coffee or have a caffeine intolerance, you’d be happy to know there are many options available, including specialty decaf coffee.
Coffee Recipes
Now comes the fun part! So pull out your apron, notebook, and pen, because we will touch on some of the coffee recipes so you can be your very own barista!
French Cafe Au Lait
The french way can be great for making a mug of steaming hot, rich coffee on a chilly morning. So, how do you do it?

Mix equal parts of steamed milk with strong, hot coffee. Stir it up well, and you’re ready to go. Feel free to garnish with dark chocolate for an early morning boost!
Pour-Over Coffee
Do you like it strong in the morning? We all need a caffeine boost to chase away Monday blues at the start of the week.
All you need is boiling water and your coffee beans. Grind them to perfection, add the ground coffee into your brewing device, then add water just off the boil, sit back, and enjoy.
However, you must be particular about the brewing time for pour-over coffee! More on this later.
Cuban Coffee
Who doesn’t like a cup of sweet, rich, and utterly delicious coffee? Cuban coffee is usually served after dinner and is the perfect replacement for a dairy-filled dessert.
Delectable and rich, it will satisfy your taste buds and be the perfect ending to your dinner.
Make this at night by mixing well-crafted espresso shots with a layer of crema (made from sugar instead of milk).
The Perfect Cappuccino
Cappuccino is the ultimate hot beverage for millions of people around the world! It gives the perfect caffeine kick without being too bitter since milk helps to mask and balance some of the flavours.
Mix some home-brewed espresso with some perfectly textured micro-foam for the cappuccino that even the Italians would be jealous of.
Using an espresso machine or a hand-held electric milk frother would also really do the trick!
You can also learn more about the best coffee recipe online here.
But it’s not mandatory to always make steaming cups of this brown liquid; some people also whip up the coffee into thick, creamy milkshakes, especially when the heat’s up!
The banana coffee milkshake, for example, is a super hit with everyone who tries it. Or you could also try the mocha milkshake, for a robust chocolatey-coffee flavour.
Coffee Brew Guides
Brewing coffee well is a challenging task. Why?
There are a lot of variables in coffee that make it a challenging product to make well at home. That’s why so many expert coffee shops exist and so many people ‘prefer coffee from cafes’.
But with the correct information, skills, and practice, we can help you become your very own barista.
So how do you get the whole coffee beans into the liquid beverage you know so well?
Simply put, brewing is used to infuse and extract roasted coffee beans with water to achieve the perfect cup of coffee.
Over the years, many brewing methods have emerged to help people make cafe-quality coffee in the comfort of their homes.
Whether technology-driven or traditional, each method brings its unique finish to a cup of coffee.
Some coffee fanatics (including our founder James) have up to 8 different coffee brewing methods at home depending on their mood and what they fancy.
But to keep it easy for you, we’ll break down the five basic brewing methods:
Brew and Filter
Brew and filter is the most classic way of brewing coffee, and here’s how it works.
Manually grind your coffee beans, then infuse them with water heated between 90-96 degrees. Go any hotter, and you’ll burn the coffee grounds; go any lower, and the coffe won’t extract properly, causing weak acidic flavours.
The grounds of coffe are then separated through a filter.
French Press / Cafetiere
You must have heard the word ‘French Press’ being thrown around a lot. Press coffe has many variations, but the French Press is the most common one, closely followed by ‘Cafetiere’!
To brew with a cafetiere, you must let the ground coffee and water infuse for up to 8 minutes to properly extract the delicious coffee flavours.
After 4 minutes, you’ll remove the crust, if there are any. Some lighter, medium roasts don't have a thick crust because of the reduced oil content.
After this, to separate the coffee liquid from the grounds, you’ll need to press down the plunger to filter and separate the grounds from the drink. This ensures no coffe grounds or residue gets into your cup.
For more helpful tips, head over to our cafetiere brew guide.
Drip coffee is another form of filter coffee that has become hugely popular recently, and for a good reason - it’s delicious.
To brew a drip coffee, you’ll need water and the brewing device, and gravity can do the rest.
Pre-wet the filter paper that has been placed inside the cone-shaped device. Then add your freshly ground cofeee before carefully pouring hot water (90-96 degrees) over the coffe bed to saturate the coffee grounds.
Ensure you’re pouring in concentric circles to improve your extraction results and flavour inside the cup.
From here, the water slowly infuses with the ground coffee and the brewed cofee, then slowly drips through the filter, lasting between 2 and 6 minutes, depending on how many cups you’re producing.
Pod or Capsule Machines Filtration
Pod filtration is one of the most common brewing methods used at home. Why? It’s the most convenient method because it’s swift and doesn’t require any skill.
The method is straightforward. You’ll push a button on your capsule machine, and hot water is forced through the pod of ground cofeee.

What happens next? Freshly brewed coffee flows out of the spout. It’s easy to make coffee using this method and doesn’t take too much time, either.
This is why pod filtration machines are top-rated, making them one of the most convenient ways to make coffee at home.
Instant Coffee
We have all used those three-in-one coffee packets to instantly make a cup of coffee! It is the quickest and most cost-effective way to make a mug of coffee.
But this coffee usually needs improvement in quality due to the processing and lack of freshness, which affects the richness of taste. Instant coffee is usually far from freshly roasted beans in terms of taste.
Coffee for cafetiere is one of the most famous brewing methods for coffee in the UK 2023, and for a good reason.
You can check out our detailed guide to froth milk in a cafetiere the right way.
How To Make Coffee?
Are you looking for the best way to make yourself a cup of coffee with multiple layers of flavour and richness? Let’s help you learn how to make the perfect cup of joe right at home.
Nowadays, you don’t have to worry too much about menial labour while making cofdee. Instead, you should try and get your hands on the best coffee equipment!
Okay, so there is no one way to go about this, but let’s get started with the basics. Nail the foundations, and you’ll be set to become a top-class coffe barista at home!
Find The Right Roast Level
There is a whole realm of information about roast levels, ranging from light to medium to dark roast.
The general rule of thumb is that the lighter roast retains most of the natural flavour containing the characteristics of the coffee’s origin. This is because it hasn't been 'over-cooked' during the roasting process.

On the other hand, the dark roast has a stronger and more burnt roasted flavour.
Dark roasted coffee is roasted for longer; in other words, ‘cooked’ for longer. This means that the subtle notes of the origin are slowly burnt away, producing an earthy, tobacco-like flavour profile.
Lightly roasted coffee is usually more acidic, sweeter, and has a lighter body.
A medium roast body is nicely balanced between retaining sweetness and packing more punch than the lighter roast. It also tends to be the all-rounder because it’s more forgiving!
Ultimately, it all boils down to choosing the roast level that works for you.
But if you’re still looking for a nudge in the right direction, read more on the light vs dark roasted coffee.
Get The Water Quality and Temperature Right
The flavour profile of your coffee depends on how well the water is infused with the ground coffe.
Since water takes up around 98% of your coffee volume, there are a couple of key considerations to note when preparing for your coffee extraction.
Firstly, higher water temperatures, between 90-96 degrees, are required to extract the most flavour from your beans. This is known as the optimum brewing temperature.
The quality of the water you use in the first place largely determines how the coffee turns out.
For instance, hard water contains large amounts of calcium, which can be hard to bind and extract coffee particles with when it’s not paired with enough magnesium.
We actually recommended using filtered water for coffee.
Choose The Right Grind Size
You need to get yourself a grinder to grind your coffee the right way. Next, you’ll have to decide which grind size you want. This is typically determined by what you are using to make coffee in the first place.
For example, coarse grind size is perfect for immersion brewing, such as the cafetiere or French press.
The medium grind size is perfect for filter coffee like the V60 or Aeropress brewer.
Finally, finely ground coffee is ideal for espresso, so you must do your research into this first because it can hugely impact flavour.
If you don’t have a coffee grinder and want to find a solution to grinding coffee without a grinder, we have another quick guide for you.
Brew Your Coffee
We have already discussed how you can brew the perfect cup of joe.
Choose a brewing method depending on which coffee equipment you have and your preference, and voila, you’re ready to go!!
With these simple steps, you’ll have your much-needed caffeine shot in a mug.
But before you can follow this process, you need to know which coffee drink you plan to devour.
For example, the recipe for making Irish Coffee at home will differ from a glass of whipped coffee.
The Affogato recipe is another must-try!
Coffee lovers are always thirsty for information, especially brewing guides, so feel free to share these with coffee snobs in your social circle.
For example, we have helpful guides on brewing coffee with the Moka pot or an Aeropress coffee guide!
Uses of Coffee
Do you know that coffee is enriched with antioxidants and caffeine that have uses beyond just keeping you awake at the office?
You can also recycle coffee grounds creatively; there are more uses than you’d think!
Here are a few interesting yet fun uses of coffee that you probably never thought of before:
It Can Be Used As A Fertiliser
The nutrients and minerals in coffee grounds make it beneficial for plant growth.

It Can Be Used to Offset Unpleasant Odours
Does your kitchen smell like rotten food? Place a bowl filled with coffee grounds in your fridge, which will neutralise the pungent smell.
It Is A Natural Cleaning Scrub
Another significant use of coffee grounds is that they can scrub your pots and pans clean! It is packed with abrasives, so you can use them to scour your cookware!

It Can Exfoliate Your Skin
Top beauty brands are always flaunting their coffee scrubs - the reason is simple. Coffee is excellent for exfoliating dead skin and revealing naturally glowing skin.
It Can Tenderise Meat
Are you looking to cook soft meat for dinner tonight? You can use coffee and its acidic nature to tender the meat and add undertones of flavour.
The cherry on top? Here’s a recipe for a fantastic barbeque rub!
The long list of organic coffee benefits doesn’t end here; it also brings many health benefits.
Coffee Health Benefits
There are many people out there thanking the guy who discovered coffee (Kaldi). Packed with various health benefits, your average cup of joe is much more beneficial than you’d know.
There is emerging evidence from recent research, coffee, when taken in moderation, can give you many health advantages!
Here is a list of some amazing coffee health benefits that you should really know about:
It Gives You A Caffeine Boost and a Burst of Energy
This is one of the reasons why so many people consume coffee, day in and day out. It stimulates you and makes you feel more alert and ready to take on the day, even when you don't feel like it.
Many people use coffee as a pre-workout beverage too. However, you may experience an energy crash from coffee. But this can be controlled with appropriate measures.
It Is Enriched With Essential Nutrients
It contains essential nutrients like Vitamin B5, potassium, and magnesium, which are great for converting vitamins into energy for the body.
Contains Antioxidants
Antioxidants are essential for the body to combat illnesses and diseases. Since it contains a rich amount of antioxidants and caffeine, coffee is an excellent way to boost your immune system and overall health.
Can Help With Weight Loss
So here is the best health benefit. Research suggests that it can alter fat storage and support gut health, which are helpful for weight loss management.
Supports Heart Health
Some research also shows that coffee consumption is linked with better heart health. In addition, research suggests that coffeee consumption is associated with a lower risk of strokes.
Coffee Facts From Myths
It’s time to dispel myths about coffee and widdle out the truth. But unfortunately, there are some weird rumours about the consumption of coffee that are not accurate.
Coffee is Bad For Your Health
People say that it is addictive and harmful to your health. But the truth is, coffee is good for your health and brings many benefits, provided you use coffee in moderation.
The real problem lies in what you add to your coffee before consuming it, such as cream, sugar, or fancy syrups. Those substances are often mixed with coffee and aren’t good for your health, not the coffee itself.
It Can Make You Feel Sober
Using a cup of caffeine to neutralise a night of drinking is not the way to go. Not only is this combination dangerous, but it also does not work.
You Can Store It in The Freezer To Extend Its Life
Yes, you can actually freeze coffee to preserve its life; however, this should be done with caution. Why?
Because when you remove it from a frozen environment, it reacts with room temperature, generating moisture.
This moisture is the key to rapidly stale coffee, so you’ll need a fast process if you want to make this option work. In fact, the moisture in these places will enable coffee to lose its flavour more quickly.
It Can Dehydrate You
A good cup of joe does not dehydrate you; a new study has shown. However, drinking coffee might help you hit your hydration targets with its water content.
How To Store Coffee?
So what is the biggest coffee myth? First, you should never store coffee in the fridge. It takes on moisture and other food odours, which quickly deteriorates quality and life.
Want to keep your coffee fresh for a more extended period? Then you must know how to store it properly.
Top tips for coffee storage:
- Store it in a pantry or cabinet, or any cool, dark place
- Avoid storing it in a refrigerator or freezer
- Don’t keep it in or near any warm spots like the oven
- Keep away from direct sunlight
- We recommend you store it in an opaque, airtight container
Following best practices for storing coffee will keep it fresh for extended periods, and less likely to lose its flavour.
But naturally, you won’t experience this problem if you buy a grinder and grind your coffee freshly each time!
Ground coffee is more likely to go stale quickly than whole beans. So it’s best to store whole beans if you keep your coffee for an extended period.
To keep your coffee fresh, you should opt for valve-sealed packs instead of vacuum-sealed ones. This allows the natural CO2 to escape, which preserves the freshness.
What Are Coffee Beans?
You know what they say; you should know your beans. After all, having a good grip on the basics will help you become a coffeee connoisseur at home!
So what are coffee beans, and where do they come from? The beans you roast and grind to get your daily dose of caffeine are actually fruit seeds.
Before being roasted, coffee is a green bean found in the cherry attached to the coffee plant. The seeds are then converted into our favourite cup of joe.
We have already talked about this, but here are some more details.
The coffee tree grows up to a height of 30 feet 9 metres, but the farmers and producers are battling to stump the plant's size.
This is because smaller coffee plants usually have a better yield. So here’s the fun fact - although we call them ‘’coffee beans,’’ they’re seeds!
Coffee has evolved manifold over the years; it's no longer just an average beverage; it's an expression of art that comes blended with the knowledge of science.
These beans have played a pivotal role in catalysing social and intellectual activities, discourse, and some say, even discoveries.
That’s the power of coffee beans. Getting your hands on the best coffee beans in the UK means you’re just one step away from making a robust cup of rich coffee daily!
Different Types Of Coffee Beans and Countries Where They Are Found
You know what they say; it all begins with the beans. So, we have already discussed the four different types of whole coffee beans.
Different regions produce different tastes and flavours of coffee, offering us coffee lovers a much-needed variety.

Let’s dive deeply into where the beans are found and how their origin impacts their features.
Arabica - Ethiopia, Brazil, Colombia, India, Uganda, and Others
Arabica beans are extremely popular and are grown in many different regions worldwide. Here are some of the most prominent ones!
Ethiopia, the birthing point for coffee, produces and distributes top-quality Arabica beans. The place treasures its coffee plants, one of the country's leading export products.
Brazil and Colombia also offer great qualities of the classic Arabica beans and produce large volumes of Arabica annually. Colombia is famous for having two delicious variants of Arabica coffee, Extra and Supremo.
Uganda’s coffee has an uncanny resemblance to African coffee in terms of aroma and wine-like acidity.
Robusta - Vietnam and Indonesia
Vietnam is home to the popular Robusta beans. Despite the war, the production and distribution of Robusta beans have been in full swing.
In fact, Vietnam is also referred to as the native land of Robusta beans, and the country is one of the top exporters of coffee in the world.
It is also commonly produced and sold by Indonesia, which also supplies the ever-popular Arabica beans.
Although the quality and taste of beans from Indonesia pale compared to top competitors like Brazil and Colombia, the country has stood its ground as a top producer.
Robusta beans, along with Arabica, are also abundantly grown in India.
Liberica - Philippines
Liberica beans are now termed a rare treat for coffee lovers. However, these beans are very demanding and require specific conditions to be grown and harvested.
This is also one of the reasons why farmers have never been able to scale production to satisfy the hunger of a global marketplace.
Liberica gained most of its popularity in the 19th century when the Arabica beans were infested with a disease that almost wiped them out.
The Philippines was the first place to actively harvest the Liberica beans and become the sole leading proprietor.
Excelsa - South East Asia
As mentioned before, Excelsa is usually considered a type of Liberica bean, but its species is very distinct.
Excelsa is primarily grown in South East Asia and represents a very short fraction of global coffee production.
The fun part about this variant is that it boasts of both the roasting flavours, light and dark, and is laced with undertones of a fruitier flavour than your other variants.
How To Choose What To Buy
With the sheer variety of coffee in the UK in 2023, it’s a real task to choose what to order online.
So here’s a pro tip in choosing coffee that works for you: Simply try as many different origins and brew methods as possible to find what your taste buds enjoy the most!
It’s as easy and complicated as that.
Arabica vs Robusta Coffee Beans
Walking through the aisles of any grocery shop or coffee house, you must have found yourself stuck between the arabica and robusta coffee bean bags!
It’s finally time to settle the debate between Arabica vs Robusta!
Sourced: Coffee Friend
But things are also going to get a little more complicated here. The Arabica and Robusta beans have a line of different variants.
All these variants are packed with unique features and benefits - again; it's all about what you enjoy.
Don’t worry; we have an easy answer for you; despite having a less refined flavour, Robusta is considered to be a top choice for espresso blends.
This is because Robusta beans produce a better layer of crema (the foamy layer of cream on top of your Espresso, which makes your day, each time).
On the other hand, Arabica beans generally have a cleaner, smoother flavour than Robusta.
Arabica coffee is more pronounced and laced with chocolate, nuts, fruits, and berries.
Of course, these flavours will be determined by how well your coffee roaster will roast your beans.
Arabica also happens to be the world’s most popular coffee!
Choosing coffee beans can be overwhelming, but it all boils down to which flavour and texture of coffee work for you and your taste buds!
Coffee Bean Roasting
Coffee bean roasting is the process of unlocking the flavour and aroma locked inside the beans before turning them brown.
The amount of flavour unlocked by roasting a bean depends on its varietal and geographical location and the roasting style used.
The roasting process is the delicate art of turning raw green coffee into the beautiful aroma we all adore, especially on early winter mornings.
Roasting the beans removes moisture and makes them more brittle and lightweight.
However, once the roasting is complete, the beans should be consumed quickly as they begin to lose their taste with time and when exposed to oxygen.
So if you’re planning on giving coffee gifts to friends or family, it would be a good idea to learn about the different roast types first.
Many people believe that dark roasted beans have a higher caffeine content, although the opposite is true.
It's the lightly roasted beans that have a slightly higher caffeine concentration.
However, depending on the brew time and level of extraction, there may be less caffeine extracted because lightly roasted beans are less brittle and have less surface area.
Hence, it's always a good idea to know your roasts! This will also help you do the math and pick appropriate gifts for the coffee lovers in your social circle!
Light Roast vs Medium Roast vs Dark Roast
The choice of the ‘’perfect roast’’, is again a matter of personal preference, but there is a world of difference between the different types.
Exploring the different roast types will give you a detailed idea of which one you should opt for.
Light Roast
Usually found in milder coffee varieties, a light roast is also golden brown. You’ll notice that they are dehydrated and have no oil on the surface.
This is because they weren’t roasted enough for the oil to break through the surface.
I have written extensively on the best light roast coffee in the UK. It is a must-read.
Medium Roast
With a more robust taste and colour, medium roast is also relatively dry with a non-oily surface. It’s generally preferred in the UK, Australia, and America.
I have written extensively on the best medium roast coffee in the UK. It is a must-read.
Dark Roast
Have you ever come across those shiny black beans? The dark roast variety leaves a bitter aftertaste and oily surface.
It’s a simple equation; the darker the roast, the less acidity in the coffee.
I have again written on the best dark roast coffee in the UK. It is a must-read.
Coffee Equipment
Coffee equipment is the one way to realise all of your coffee dreams inside the comfort of your home!
To produce a first-class barista-standard coffee, you must choose the right equipment.
Depending on what type of coffe you want to brew at home, the list of coffee equipment can be long.
However, it's an investment that pays off if you are a big coffee drinker.
You can save thousands of pounds a year by reducing your spend in coffee shops and, instead, upgrading your coffee setup to make the perfect cup at home.
Since the Covid-19 Pandemic, most people have lowered their costs by reducing the coffee they buy from their local cafes.
Instead, they’ve invested in brewing the ultimate cup of creamy, brown coffee at home.
So whether it’s for personal or professional use, the following coffee equipment is what you need to make your coffee dreams a reality:
1. Coffeee Brewing Equipment
- a) Espresso Machines (Check out the detailed sage espresso machine review, which is perfect for beginners.
Espresso machines are one of the most critical items on the equipment list if you’re serious about upgrading your coffee game at home)
- b) Drip eCoffee maker, otherwise known as pour-over equipment. Devices include V60, Aeropress, and Chemex.
- c) Grinders (Check out some of the best coffee grinders available in the UK)
- d) Blenders
- e) Cold Brew Toddy
While planning which coffee equipment to purchase for home, you need to set a budget, research, and pick the most well-suited machine for each type.
Making a flexible budget is always recommended as coffee equipment is a long-term investment - you don’t want to get poor-quality equipment just because of a limited budget.
Other factors impacting your equipment needs include how many cups you drink per day and what quality you desire.
The more cups, the bigger the machine, possibly with many more features!
Coffee Machines
Buying the right coffee machine is no easy task, even if it just sits on your kitchen counter. The market is swarming with different types and brands, which can be mentally exhausting.
Fortunately, we will shed some light on the best coffee machines that deserve your attention.
For beginners, what springs to mind when they hear the word ‘coffee machines’ are fancy gadgets stacked on cafe countertops or even in your offices.
Your office coffee is almost always the product of a coffee machine! It’s an automatic brewing system that produces coffee automatically unless you have a barista setup.
A cofee machine usually contains a water reservoir, filter, brewing system, and a glass or ceramic pot.
While some coffee machines are basic, advanced machines come with many different features.
Coffee machines allow the drinkers to create a beverage of their liking, each time with just a few button pushes, at a time of their choosing, unless you have the luxury of a barista-made office espresso machine!
Up next are the main categories of coffee machines:
Pod Machines
Are you looking for a good quality cup of pick-me-up every morning without the hassle? Then, the pod machine is for you. These machines use vacuum-sealed pods to produce fresh and delicious coffee, each time.
They’re good to go for a wide range of coffee beverages, including Cappuccino, Americano, Espresso, and other flavours.
Espresso Machines
One of the most popular types, I am sure you must have come across these at least once. These machines are also the powering source behind some of the best coffee in the UK in 2023!
These machines let you get creative in making your recipes and crema. It can be used to produce intense espressos, lungos, and ristrettos.
If you are feeling adventurous and want to try something different, check out the decaf espresso martini.
Bean To Cup Machines
These machines are a great choice to create a huge variety of espresso-based beverages with a single touch.
Being all-in-one machines, they use the whole bean variety and offer great convenience and speed.
Pump Espresso Machines
These machines are designed specifically for aspiring at-home-baristas, looking to create the best creamy cappuccinos and lattes using ground coffee.
Filter Coffee Makers
There is also a complete type of machine for coffee beginners - filter coffee makers! There are two different types, manual and automatic.
Manual filter coffee makers consist of french press, V60, Chemex, and Aeropress, whilst, examples of automatic filter machines are the Moccamaster or Sage filter machine.
These provide you with easy-to-use programming and also offer different cup volumes. They sometimes include hot plates and thermos pots to keep the coffeee warm.
Coffee Gifts
Do you know a coffee lover who wouldn’t want anything except a bag of premium quality coffee beans or, perhaps, a never-ending supply for their birthday?
Although a good cup of joe is a year-round ritual across the globe now, some occasions like birthdays or even Christmas are an excellent time to give your best friend a coffee-based gift.
You no longer need to scour the internet or engage in long conversations with baristas to find the perfect gift for the coffee-obsessed person in your life.
We have a few ideas of our own. The options are endless, from coffee makers and machines to mugs and books! You don’t always have to break the bank and get an expensive coffee machine either.
First up, gifting a 3-month, 6-month or 12-month coffee subscription is the best way to keep even the most jaded of coffee lovers surprised.
If money is not an option and you’re feeling generous, then you can also give the gift that never ends with one of the best coffee subscriptions in the UK!
But don’t worry; you can always cancel anytime if the receiver decides they fancy a change.
Some coffee addicts also love to be surprised with helpful guides and recipes, many of which you’ll find in our blog.
We have another interesting idea for coffee gifts!
Why not take on a challenge of your own? Make our coffee and walnut cake recipe and surprise your loved ones with a nice coffee snack at their doorstep!
And if you want a special gift for someone you like, a coffee-lover would love nothing more than an espresso machine or a coffee maker!
Sustainable Coffee
Sustainability has become a buzzword for many industries across the globe and also has gained traction in the coffee world too.
This is primarily because coffe farming generally harms biodiversity.
The industry’s social health regarding fair wages and its long-term environmental impact is also a question mark.
When we talk about sustainability in the coffee industry, there are three main areas to keep in mind - people, planet, and profit.
There are many ways top coffee brands in the UK promote sustainable coffee.
Balance Coffee is a huge advocate of healthy coffee which is sustainable and has taken many initiatives toward sustainability.
It’s also one of the best places to get coffee in the UK in 2023 - from sourcing ethically to giving back to the community, their robust initiatives are in full swing.
The company is committed to sourcing speciality-grade coffee from direct traders worldwide. Although the costs are higher, it tastes better and is the right thing to do for the future of the coffee supply chain.
Like all other major sustainability programs, Balance coffee, one of the best UK coffee places, reuses and recycles coffee.
Using the best mechanisms to recycle coffee grounds is an excellent way to promote sustainability.
Balance Coffee has also earned the stamp of approval from many consumers, owing to its commitment to sustainability by winning the ‘best sustainable coffee roaster 2021’.
Here are some of their key initiatives that foster sustainability and healthy practices for the coffee industry.
1. Plantation and Restoration of Trees
Do you know that every time you choose Balance coffee, you’re helping us to plant more trees? The plantation and tree restoration are known to combat climate change effectively.
In our strategy to become a climate-positive workforce, we have partnered with Ecologi and planted 700+ trees.
Ecologi plans to plant one billion trees to combat the harmful effects of CO2, and Balance Coffee is committed to playing its role in this mission!
2. Donating 1% of Sales to Charity
In our mission to improve the livelihoods of coffee-growing communities, we donate 1% of our sales to Project Waterfall. This project provides communities access to clean water, sanitation, and education.
3. Commitment to 100% Recyclable Packaging
Balance Coffee is committed to boosting the industry's sustainability, and what better way to do this than 100% recyclable packaging?
We recycle everything possible and also keep an eye out for reducing waste in our coffee roastery!
4. Sourcing Ethical Coffee
Our supply chain and sources only include cooperatives and direct trade relationships worldwide and are completely traceable.
The best part is that we only source speciality-grade coffee, which is insanely delicious and helps coffee farmers!
This is because it’s sold at a fairer price than commodity coffee to improve farmers' livelihoods.
Coffee Subscriptions
Imagine waking up to high-grade coffee every day to jumpstart your day with a delicious, full-of-energy cup of joe.
Yes, it’s possible - with the advent of coffee subscriptions! Coffee UK lovers are actively purchasing subscriptions to streamline and automate their monthly coffee dose.
Subscriptions for coffee in the UK in 2023 surged during the COVID-19 pandemic, although they have been around for a complete decade.
But with so many subscription services available for coffee in the UK 2023, it can be hard to spot the best ones!
So below, you can find a short and snappy review of some of the best coffee subscriptions in the UK:
Balance Coffee
Although this might seem biased, Balance has to be on the top! This service will not disappoint you by offering speciality-grade coffee that tastes nothing but impressive.
The team at Balance is very particular about supplying only the best and most premium coffee to their customers across the UK.
Every delicious cup of coffee is tested for mould, mycotoxins, and pesticides, to give you a naturally clean and premium beverage each time.
Balance is also a coffee connoisseur after founder James worked in the coffee industry for over ten years.
They have produced some fantastic coffee recipes you’ll ever try, like the espresso cashew butter recipe!
What sets them apart are their sustainability initiatives and complete commitment to health, quality, and taste.
Grind Coffee
Another sustainability-focused service, grind coffee offers variety, including light and decaf.
They also provide 100% plastic-free coffee pods and ethically source coffee beans. To ensure their coffee is quality the use a decaffeinated sparkling water method.
To grind coffee the right way, head to our guide on how to grind coffee.
Rave Coffee
The guys here like to keep things simple; they provide quality coffee without any complications.
Offering whole beans and ground coffee, they are also big on sustainability initiatives to improve the coffee community.
They’re also a good pick!
You can now heave a sigh of relief as we’re done with the detailed expert coffee guide! From understanding where coffee was first discovered to how things are looking in the coffee world today, the guide talks about it all.
Knowing your beans, roasting level, coffee equipment, and subscriptions now puts you on the road to becoming a coffee connoisseur.
Is coffee good for your health?
Drinking coffee can offer many health benefits, including better weight loss management, reduced risk of diabetes, and improved heart health. It can also help you improve your mental health and keep you feeling energetic for a long time. Using it as a pre-workout beverage can give you the energy to go to the gym properly!
What are the benefits of coffee?
In addition to kicking off your day, coffee brings many benefits. It gives you health benefits and can also be used to exfoliate your skin, improve hair growth and reduce the appearance of cellulite. It is also used as a scrubbing and cleaning agent by many people.
What are the side effects of coffee?
Taking high doses or quantities of coffee can have specific side effects. For example, coffee containing caffeine can cause insomnia, nervousness, and restlessness. It can also increase your heart rate and cause nausea or vomiting. Drinking too much coffee daily can also lead to dizziness and dependency.
Is coffee good for your heart?
Research has shown that drinking coffee actually has many health benefits. One of these benefits is improved heart health! A moderate intake of coffee can actually reduce the likelihood of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. However, too much coffee can raise your blood pressure.
Which is better, coffee or tea?
Coffee and tea, both have their own set of benefits and have a loyal customer base. But when it comes to the number of antioxidants, tea is deemed to be better than coffee. The number of antioxidants is actually linked to many health benefits. Hence, tea is considered to be healthier.
Which coffee is healthy?
The healthiest way to consume coffee is hot-brewed and black. Adding other things to your coffee like cream, milk, and sugar can make it unhealthy. Black coffee also has many micronutrients including potassium, magnesium, and niacin, which makes this beverage a healthy choice for consumption.
Is coffee good for men's sperm?
There is no conclusive evidence on whether coffee is good or bad for men’s sperm. As per some of the research and studies conducted, there seems to be no relationship between caffeine intake and sperm quality. Well-designed studies are still required to reach a conclusion on the relationship between coffee and men’s sperms.
Is coffee good for skin?
Yes, coffee is good for the skin. Coffee is packed with caffeine and chlorogenic acid (CGA), which can reduce inflammation caused by skin conditions such as eczema, acne, and psoriasis. As a result, the use of coffee grounds is a promising approach for fighting skin infection diseases given their antimicrobial properties.
Is black coffee healthy?
Black coffee is considered to have many health benefits and is rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants support in fighting cell damage and reduce the risk of serious health conditions like cancer and health disease. Black coffee also contains high levels of Vitamin B2, which has many health benefits.