Best Adaptogenic Mushroom Supplements

Best Adaptogenic Mushroom Supplements UK 2024 (New)

What Is The Best Chaga Mushroom Supplement UK Reading Best Adaptogenic Mushroom Supplements UK 2024 (New) 30 minutes Next How to Froth Milk (Without a Coffee Machine)

Let me tell you a short story about why I created this piece on the best adaptogenic mushroom supplements in the UK.

It was summertime, and the morning was cold. I was lying on the bed with my bedspread wrapped around me when my phone rang.

I looked at the clock on my bedroom wall, which said 5 AM. 

So I mumbled. Who was calling me this early morning as I struggled to unwrap myself?

I walked straight to the desk and looked at who was calling before picking up. It was my wonderful brother, Rhys.

He was very direct with his question, “James, how can you pick the best UK adaptogenic mushroom supplements?”

Long story short, Rhys and I spoke for five to ten minutes, during which I told him everything he needed to know.

After my conversation with Rhys, I realised you may also struggle to decide.

So, I created this article to show you the factors you need to consider and suggest brand products I have used personally.

For your information, I have been using mushroom supplements to upgrade my coffee experience for the last 29 months.

Best Adaptogenic Mushroom Supplements UK

And the results have been very positive.

Now, if you don’t have much time to read an entire article, here are THREE brand products I have used personally.

I based the decision on price, ethical practices, real results, and sustainability.

That said, let's dive into the best London adaptogenic mushroom supplements for upgrading your coffee experience.

But first, let's answer one very important question below.

What Are Adaptogenic Mushroom Supplements?

Adaptogenic mushroom supplements are medicinal mushrooms made into capsules, powders, or tinctures to help the body manage stress, boost immunity, and support sustained energy levels.

But what specific mushrooms do I speak of?

What Are Adaptogenic Mushroom Supplements

They are:

  • Reishi 
  • Chaga
  • Cordyceps

When I wrote about the best medicinal mushroom supplements that can be added to coffee, the above shrooms also came up.

Did you know that the mushrooms above were used in traditional medicines in ancient times?

These were used in China, Japan, Russia, Greece, Egypt, and Mesoamerica.

Fast forward to the modern day, there are scientific studies to back up the health benefits of mushrooms.

I have written several articles about these benefits and cited major health journals, such as NIH, PUBMED, HEALTHLINE, CLEVELAND HOSPITAL, and SCIENCEDIRECT.

See them below:

I have used these mushrooms on several occasions, incorporating them into my coffee regimen.

Adaptogenic Supplements

The benefits I got were so good that I created an extra line of mushroom products for our customers to upgrade their coffee life daily.

Unlike stimulants that give fast energy boosts, these mushrooms aid long-term health.

They do this by balancing stress hormones and boosting your immune system.

Each adaptogen works for different purposes, but I love to combine them to achieve my health goals.

After using them together for over 24 months, I can say they work smoothly with the body’s natural processes.

In addition, these are the best value adaptogenic mushroom supplements in the UK.

But with so many choices, what factors must you consider when picking mushroom adaptogens?

Choosing Adaptogenic Mushroom Supplement Factors

The multiple brands and products make picking the best adaptogenic mushroom supplements in London challenging.

It is expected because all adaptogen mushroom products are different regarding benefits, though they may be marketed as such.

Best Adaptogenic Mushroom Supplements in the uk

This section will discuss the factors I use to make these decisions.

So let's dive right in, shall we?

Adaptogenic Compounds Potency

Consider the potency to pick some of the best mushroom supplements in the UK.

The higher the potent compound extracted, the better health results you will get.

So, check labels for the concentration level of the adaptogenic mushrooms used.

Look for things like beta-glucans, triterpenes, and polysaccharides and what mushroom parts were used.

Ingredient Sourcing

Pay attention to where the shrooms were sourced from.

The reason is because it affects the quality of the supplements.

I prefer organic mushrooms because they are usually free from harmful chemicals and pesticides.

The top adaptogenic mushroom supplements for energy come from organic farms, which grow their mushrooms using eco-friendly methods.

It includes clean areas, which can significantly increase the beneficial compounds contained in them.

Finally, you must look for certifications like EU Organic or USDA Organic.

Doing this helps you confirm such products are of higher quality.

Brand Reputation

The brand's reputation is another factor you must consider when choosing the best mushroom adaptogen supplements.

Brands that have been around longer are generally more trusted. 

For example, you would easily buy from Nike with little research compared to a brand-new shoe brand that started online two years ago.

Once you know how long the brand has been operational, you can look at customer reviews. 

What the customers say about the product directly reflects whether it is great or terrible.

Only pick brands with product reviews of 4.5 stars and above.

Health Goals and Forms

WhThefirst question you need to ask. is what health goals you are trying to achieve. Eachadaptogen mushroom works for specific health goals.

Knowing what health goals you are trying to achieve would help you pick the right mushrooms.

Health Goals and Forms

In addition, pick a form that you are very comfortable with.

For example, the best adaptogenic mushroom supplements are often the best mushroom tinctures.

If you need to learn these tinctures, read my article on what a mushroom tincture is.

If powder or capsules are your preference, you can also choose those.

Adaptogenic Mushroom Types and Their Benefits

Below, you will find the different adaptogenic mushrooms used as supplements.

I have also attached it to each benefit you derive whenever you use it.

Here are the most popular adaptogenic mushrooms and their benefits:

Adaptogenic Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma Lucid)

Reishi is scientifically known as Ganoderma lucid, according to ScienceDirect.

When you take this regularly, it's capable of providing you with great health benefits.

Such benefits include:

  • It helps calm the body and reduce stress.
  • Reishi mainly boosts the immune system, improves sleep, and helps you relax.
  • It also reduces inflammation and helps with anxiety.
  • It’s great for reducing stress and improving mood.

Adaptogenic Cordyceps Mushroom

This mushroom is known scientifically as Cordyceps sinensis.

It provides the body benefits such as:

  • Increasing energy and stamina.
  • It improves endurance and helps the body use oxygen better.
  • It increases ATP, which is the body's energy source.
  • Cordyceps is perfect if you want more energy without feeling jittery.

Adaptogenic Chaga Mushroom (Inonotus obliquus)

Chaga is scientifically known as Inonotus Obliquus.

It is among the strongest immune boosters of the three lists.

Adaptogenic Chaga Mushroom

It provides the body benefits such as:

  • High antioxidants
  • It helps protect cells, reduces inflammation, and fights oxidative stress.
  • Chaga is great for anyone looking to strengthen their immune system.

Note: Each adaptogen mushroom supplement works for specific issues. However, you can combine all of these to achieve several health goals.

If you prioritise your health, the best adaptogen mushroom supplements will help you achieve less stress, more energy, and a better immune system.

But how do these adaptogens work?

Let's find out, shall we?

How Adaptogenic Mushroom Supplements Work

Adaptogenic mushroom supplements help balance the body’s response to stress.

Let’s look at how the best adaptogenic mushroom supplements work:

Ingestion and Absorption

When you ingest mushrooms through forms like capsules or coffee, they are processed by your digestive system.

Compounds such as triterpenoids and beta-glucans are absorbed through the bloodstream and interact with your cells.

Note: For faster absorption, opt for tinctures or powders.

Immune System Activation

Adaptogenic mushrooms also boost the immune system.

Reishi and Chaga activate cells that fight infections because they contain beta-glucans.

Because both mushrooms provide an adequate immune system boost, your body becomes empowered to ward off stress and sickness.

Regulating the Stress Response System

Adaptogenic mushrooms like Reishi and Cordyceps balance your body’s stress hormones.

Both shrooms control the cortisol level, which increases whenever you are stressed.

Because Cordyceps and Reishi balance cortisol levels, you will feel calm and significantly reduce stress.

Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Impacts

Adaptogenic shrooms also contain high levels of antioxidants.

For example, Reishi and Chaga are known for their high antioxidant content.

The function of antioxidants is to reduce oxidative and inflammation.

Reducing oxidative stress and inflammation reduces your body’s risk of catching diseases.

Furthermore, the Anti-inflammatory properties of both mushrooms support your longevity and health.

Boosting Energy and Stamina

Cordyceps is the best adaptogenic mushroom for boosting your energy and stamina.

By taking Cordyceps, you help your body increase the production of ATP, according to Verywell Health.

Adenosine triphosphate is the major source of energy in your body.

So, the more ATP your body produces by taking Cordyceps adaptogens, the more energy you have.

When you add the best adaptogenic mushroom supplements, such as Cordyceps, to your daily routine, your body will produce more ATP, energising you.

Now that you know how these work, where can you buy adaptogenic mushroom supplements online?

Where to Buy Adaptogenic Mushroom Supplements Online in the UK

I have you covered if you want Unique adaptogenic mushroom supplements to buy online.

I have used several products over the years when I began learning about mushroom effectiveness and how well they pair with coffee.

From  £32.00
From  £32.00
From  £32.00

Specifically, a few brand products stand out for adaptogens, and I had the privilege of trying many of them.

I used Reishi, Chaga and Cordyceps, which worked well during this time.

So, I have included the THREE adaptogenic mushroom supplements I have had the most success within the table below.

Pick whichever works for you according to your health goals, and thank me once you start feeling the impact in under 14 days.

Special Offer: Order any product from the table below and GET 15% OFF when using adaptogenic mushrooms to upgrade your overall health.

Product Benefits where to buy
Best For Relaxation Reishi Elixir
  • Reduces stress
  • Boosts immunity
  • Promotes restful sleep
Shop & Save 15%
Great For Energy Cordyceps Elixir
  • Maintains peak performance
  • Enhances physical efficiency
  • Supports muscle recovery
Shop & Save 15%
Best For Immune Boost Chaga Elixir
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Promotes anti-aging
Shop & Save 15%

That said, let's dive right into the top best adaptogenic mushroom supplements in the UK. 

7 Best Adaptogenic Mushroom Supplements in the UK 2024

In this section, I will discuss each product's compositions, pros and cons, what customers say, benefits and the price.

Like I helped my brother in under 10 minutes, I want to also arm you with everything you need to pick the right product.

Best Adaptogenic Mushroom Supplements

So, without further ado, here are the best adaptogenic mushroom supplement brand products.

Balance Reishi Elixir (Rated 5 Stars)

Balance Reishi Elixir is one of the best reishi mushroom supplements in the UK.

When you drop this into your coffee, expect to feel your stress blow away like the wind because it helps with relaxation and improves your sleep quality.

Here’s a closer look at one of the best organic adaptogenic mushroom supplements.

I like to add Reishi Elixir to our Darkfire Energy coffee in the morning because it helps my nerves relax.

When you take it at night, the 3:1 mushroom extract ensures this mushroom tincture is potent to deliver better sleep quality.

That's because it contains compounds like beta-glucans and triterpenoids that are extracted using dual extraction methods.

Furthermore, I like that just a few drops into your mouth at night give all the essential benefits.

In addition, it uses a 100% organic fruiting body, which is the part of the mushroom that grows above the ground.

Balance Reishi Elixir (Rated 5 Stars)

Expect the benefits below when you add it to your coffee or any beverage.

NOTE: You can also take it orally.

Product Benefits

  • Stress reduction
  • Sleep support
  • Immune boost

But what are the pros and cons of the Reishi Elixir?

Let's find out below, shall we?

What I Like (Pros)

  • Organic and sustainably grown in the UK.
  • Dual extraction boosts absorption and effectiveness.
  • The liquid form mixes smoothly into drinks.
  • You get quick results in reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

What I Don’t Like (Cons)

  • Although it is the most potent form, the drop form may not suit those who prefer capsules or powders.
  • The natural taste may be too strong for some users, though it blends well with drinks.
  • premium price point

Customer Review

I have been using Balance Reishi Elixir alongside some of the best coffee beans in the UK for 29 months.

And from experience, it has worked for me in under seven days.

Thanks to Reishi Elixir, customers who could not sleep previously due to stress say they can now sleep.

Now see what they are saying specifically below:

Mr A Feedback 

Mr B Feedback

Mr C Feedback 


If you buy this adaptogenic Elixir today, you can expect to pay up to £32 for a 50ml bottle (30 servings).

However, you can save up to 15% if you buy more than one bottle.

If you want the best adaptogenic mushroom supplement, pick Balance Reishi Elixir.

Because it is 100% organic, proven to work by customers, and backed by a brand that prioritises your well-being.

Click here to try Reishi Elixir now.

Balance Cordyceps Elixir

I love to hit the gym because I am a workout fanatic, like a coffee snob.

Plus, working out keeps the spirit, soul and body healthy.

Why the story about working out?

I tell you that story because I use Balance Cordyceps Elixir alongside our Stability Blend for the right energy boost and endurance.

And YES, coffee is a good Pre-workout drink.


If you are looking for energy, consider Cordyceps Elixir.

It's a 3:1 dual extract that uses 100% fruiting bodies to deliver a potent juice that enhances stamina and muscle recovery.

It’s among the best adaptogenic mushroom supplements for athletes, fitness lovers, and anyone needing extra energy.

So, what benefits would you gain just by adding the Balance Cordyceps Elixir to your daily dietary needs?

Balance Cordyceps Elixir

See the bullet points below for a brief answer:

Product Benefits

  • Expect energy enhancement
  • Quick muscle recovery
  • Expect better blood flow

Now, let's examine some of the pros and cons you should consider, shall we?

What I Like (Pros)

  • Organic and sustainably grown in the UK.
  • Dual extraction boosts absorption and makes it more effective.
  • Provides a quick energy boost, perfect for physical performance.
  • Easy-to-use liquid form, great for adding to drinks on the go.

What I Don’t Like (Cons)

  • The earthy taste might only suit some, but it mixes well in smoothies or coffee.
  • Limited availability outside the UK may be an issue for international customers.

While the above pros and cons paint a good picture, first-hand customer reviews will do more for you.

So, below, you can read about customers' firsthand experience using the Cordyceps Elixir.

Customer Review

The Cordyceps Elixir is one of the best Cordyceps mushroom supplements in the UK, and customers agree.

Here is what they have to say:

Mr A Feedback 

Mr B Feedback 

Mr C Feedback


You must pay £32.00 for a 50ml bottle (30 servings).

While it's a premium price point, consider it a great investment for physical performance.

Click here to try the Cordyceps Elixir now.

Balance Chaga Elixir

Everyone should use the Balance Chaga Elixir for one simple reason: to boost the immune system.

To maintain a healthy body while drinking coffee, I lace each cup with Chaga Elixir.

The reason is simple: the best healthy coffee beans combined with adaptogenic mushrooms upgrade your health and coffee experience.

Balance Chaga Elixir is designed to boost your immune system and support your long-term health.

It uses the best part of the mushroom to craft this powerful liquid to aid the fight against inflammation and diseases using antioxidants.

You can read this scientific article by Medical News Today that supports Chaga's positive effect on the human body.

But what benefits do the Chaga Elixirs endow you with?

Balance Chaga Elixir

Below are the benefits you will derive by adding Chaga to your coffee or when you take it orally

Product Benefits

The main benefits you will get from Balance Chaga Elixir 

  • Immune system support
  • Anti-inflammatory effects
  • Longevity and anti-aging

What I Like (Pros)

  • Uses sustainably grown Chaga mushrooms from the UK.
  • A dual extraction process is used for faster absorption and better effectiveness.
  • It is high in antioxidants that help protect your cells.
  • Easy to mix into drinks like coffee or tea.

What I Don’t Like (Cons)

  • The earthy taste may not appeal to you but can be masked in drinks.
  • Currently not available outside the UK

But what do customers say about this top organic mushroom supplement?

Do they share my sentiment?

Let's find out, shall we?

Customer Feedback

Customers who have used the Balance Chaga Elixir have these to say:

Mr A Feedback 

Mr B Feedback

Mr C Feedback


One of the best Chaga mushroom supplements, our chaga elixir is £32.00 for a 50ml bottle (30 servings).

To be fair, it's a premium-price product that enhances your body defences.

So, choose Chaga Elixir if you value improved immune function, anti-inflammatory effects and overall better health.

You will feel the positive results in under seven days.

And at most 30 days due to how different your body may react.

Click here to try Chaga Elixir now.

Nootrum Reishi Capsules

I have used Nootrum Reishi capsules now and then to supplement and upgrade my coffee. The result?

I significantly reduced the chronic stress I feel when running my company daily. (They say the head that wears the crown is heavy.)

I like mixing it into the Balance Lion's Mane coffee for double the health benefits. Calm nerves plus a sharper mind equals peak performance.

Combining both helps me function at maximum capacity and stay productive throughout the day.

Nootrum’s Reishi Mushroom Capsules strengthen your immune system.

These capsules are one of the best adaptogenic mushroom supplements UK.

If you want a natural way to stay healthy at all times, it should be on your list of powerful supplements to take with coffee.

But what ingredients will you find inside?

It contains:

  • Organic Reishi mushroom fruiting body.
  • Mycelium powder

In addition, it contains bioactive compounds like polysaccharides, peptidoglycans and triterpenoids.

These active compounds strengthen your immune system and reduce your cortisol levels, making you feel less stressed.

So, what benefits do you get from adding Nootrum Reishi capsules to your daily regimen?

Below are the benefits you will get:

Product Benefits

  • Strengthens your immune system to fight off illness.
  • It helps balance stress hormones and manage daily stress.
  • Reduces inflammation, promoting overall health.

What I Like (Pros)

  • High polysaccharide content for strong immune support.
  • Vegan-friendly, suitable for various dietary preferences.
  • Natural stress relief, helping you feel more balanced.
  • It is made in an FDA-registered facility for safety and quality.

What I Don’t Like (Cons)

  • Some users might find the capsules large and hard to swallow.
  • Lower fruiting body concentration compared to other products since mycelium is also included.

Customer Feedback

I did not see reviews from this brand, but I included it because I have used it frequently.


So how much do you have to pay for this? 

Nootrum Reishi costs $29.99 for a bottle of 60 vegan capsules.

At this price point, boosting your immune system and managing body stress is affordable.

Click here to try Nootrum Reishi now.

Hifas da Terra Mico-Rei Capsules

I have only used Mico-Rei capsules once when researching each product to buy and test for this article.

Specifically, I opened the capsules and poured the recommended dosage into my cup, made from one of the best decaf coffee beans in the UK.

Hifas da Terra Mico-Rei Capsules

By that, I mean Halcyon Decaf, which contains less than 80% caffeine.

The result?

I felt my stress level wash away because of the high bioactive compounds like Beta-glucans.

However, you must take it consistently for 30 days to see significant results.

These are among high-quality adaptogenic mushroom supplements if you want something organic that works.

Mico-Rei capsules contain natural vitamin C from acerola, which helps the body absorb Reishi better.

Furthermore, potent compounds like beta-glucans, phenols and triterpenes provide the necessary support for your immune system.

But what ingredients does it contain?

Here are the ingredients contained in it.

Product Benefits

The main benefits of Mico-Rei Capsules are:

  • It helps stimulate your immune cells to fight infections.
  • It balances stress hormones and promotes relaxation.
  • Expect to reduce inflammation and protect against damage from free radicals.

Now, let me touch on the pros and cons to put things in view for you.

What I Like (Pros)

  • High concentration of beta-glucans and triterpenes for strong immune support.
  • Natural vitamin C from acerola improves the absorption of Reishi.
  • Pure organic product, free from synthetic additives.
  • Environmentally friendly packaging with refill options to reduce waste.

What I Don’t Like (Cons)

  • The higher price may be difficult for some users.
  • It takes months of regular use to see full benefits.

So, what do other customers like myself who have tried and used this product say?

Customer Feedback

Mico-Rei Capsules have received substantially good reviews from hundreds of customers.

And here is what some of them have to say.

Mr A Feedback

Mr B Feedback

Mr C Feedback


You must pay £64.90 for 70 vegetable capsules, with discounts on refill packs.

It's quite a premium product at this price point, but it delivers the results it promises if used consistently.

Click here to try Mico-Rei is now.

Dirtea Cordyceps Mushroom Powder

Since hitting the market a few years back, Dirtea’s Cordyceps powder has garnered several positive reviews.

But what is Dirtea’s Cordyceps mushroom powder?

Dirtea Cordyceps Mushroom Powder

It is a nutrient-dense mushroom supplement that improves energy, physical alertness and endurance.

Furthermore, it is one of the best adaptogenic mushroom supplements.

But I recommend Dirtea’s Cordyceps if you are an athlete because that group needs it.

However, if you love to work out and need that post-workout coffee experience, mixing Dirtea’s powder into your cup is a good option.

It’s one of the best adaptogenic mushroom supplements UK athletes use for natural vitality without crashes.

It is lab-tested and 100% organic. Each serving contains 2000 mg of Cordyceps, making it a potent powder.

So, how does that benefit you?

See the below bullet points for the benefits you get:

Product Benefits

The main benefits of Dirtea Cordyceps Powder are:

  • Dirtea Cordyceps increases your energy
  • You'll Experience better levels of endurance
  • It provides much-needed support to your immune system, reducing tiredness

See the pros and cons to expect below:

What I Like (Pros)

  • 100% organic Cordyceps offers powerful energy-boosting effects.
  • A high dosage of 2,000 mg per serving improves stamina and endurance.
  • Versatile and easy to mix into coffee, smoothies, or water.
  • No artificial additives, providing a pure, natural product.

What I Don’t Like (Cons)

  • You may not like the earthy taste
  • It's the second most expensive on this list.

Now that you know the pros and cons, the next question is, what are customers saying?

Let's find out below, shall we?

Customer Feedback

Here is what customers are saying:

Mr A Feedback

Mr B Feedback

Mr C Feedback


Get ready to pay £34.99 for 30 servings.

If you pick the subscription option, expect to pay £29.74, which shaves off £5.26.

If you want better stamina, endurance and energy, look to Dirtea’s Cordyceps.

Click here to try Dirtea’s Cordyceps mushroom powder now.

Force Factor Reishi Capsules

I have used products from Force Factor more than once.

I like many of their products, so I naturally wanted to try their Reishi.

Force Factor Reishi Capsules

And Force Factor is among the best adaptogenic mushroom brands in the UK.

These capsules are one of the best adaptogenic mushroom supplements if you need a natural way to relax and sleep better.

Like most products on this list, Force Factor Reishi capsules work for stress management.

I prefer to combine it with speciality coffee to start my morning alongside Lion's Mane Elixir.

The reason is simple: I am a coffee snob and created one of the best mycotoxin mould and pesticide-free coffee brands to support my love for it.

Each bottle contains 100 capsules of Reishi that are produced with utmost care.

This ensures it's safe from harmful toxins while being 100% organic and free from additives or fillers.

Product Benefits

The main benefits you will get from Force Factor Reishi are:

  • It helps manage stress, promoting a calm state of mind.
  • It supports better sleep, helping you wake up feeling refreshed.
  • It Boosts your immune health by promoting balance and resilience.

So, what are the pros and cons to bear in mind?

What I Like (Pros)

  • Easy to take, with one capsule fitting into your daily routine.
  • It focuses on stress relief and relaxation through Reishi’s adaptogenic properties.
  • It helps improve sleep quality, allowing for deeper rest and recovery.
  • No fillers or artificial ingredients, ensuring a clean and natural product.

What I Don’t Like (Cons)

  • I could not find any downside

So, what are the specific benefits you expect?

Let's dive into that, shall we?

Customer Feedback

Here is what customers who tried this product say on Amazon:

Mr A Feedback 

Mr B Feedback 

Mr C Feedback 


Expect to pay a small amount of $12.99 for this capsule.

Moreover, it is also one of the best affordable adaptogenic mushroom supplements on this list.

Click here to try out Force Factor Reishi Capsules now.

How To Use Adaptogenic Mushroom Supplements

Using the best sustainable adaptogenic mushroom supplements is easy.

Depending on your goals, you can incorporate Reishi, Chaga and Cordyceps into your daily routine.

How To Use Adaptogenic Mushroom Supplements

The idea is to follow the instructions on the label.

Here is a table on how you can do that via dosage:

Mushroom Type Recommended Daily Dosage Benefits
Reishi 400-800 mg Stress reduction and immune support
Cordyceps 1000-3000 mg More energy and endurance
Chaga 400-600 mg Antioxidants and immune health

Always start at a lower dosage to monitor adaptogens' effectiveness.

Doing this will help you understand your body's response.

Which will help you decide whether to increase or maintain your current dosage.

Best Practices for Using Adaptogens

In the table below, you will see the best time of the day to use these adaptogens.

You can tweak it as you see fit, but these are generally the best ways I have used it for the past 24 months.

See the table below:

Time of Day Mushroom Type Usage Tips
Morning Boost Cordyceps or Lion’s Mane Take with your morning coffee or tea for energy and focus.
Evening Relaxation Reishi Best for nighttime relaxation. Mix into tea or take as a capsule before bed to help with sleep.
With Meals Chaga Taking with food helps digestion and absorption.

Combining Different Adaptogen Mushrooms For Several Benefits 

For me, I love to combine these natural wonders for different help benefits.

For example, I take Reishi for relaxation, Cordyceps for energy and Chaga for immune support.

I have witnessed favourable results from the best immune-supporting adaptogenic mushroom supplements taking this route.

However, make sure to stay within the recommended dosage.

Safety and Side Effects of Adaptogenic Mushrooms

For the most part, these are safe for consumption.

But this post's idea and reason is to equip you with even the smallest information.

It helps you make better decisions that concern your health goals.

Common Adaptogenic Mushroom Supplement Effects You May Experience Table

In the table below, I have included some common side effects you may experience.

Let's dive right in, shall we?

Potential Side Effect Description
Digestive Issues When starting a new supplement, you might feel mild stomach upset, nausea, or diarrhoea.
Allergic Reactions Though rare, you may have mushroom allergies, which could cause itching or breathing problems.
Blood Pressure or Sugar Changes Reishi and Cordyceps mushrooms can lower blood pressure or sugar, which is important to monitor.

Who Should Avoid Adaptogenic Mushroom Supplements?

You should avoid these adaptogens if you fall into any of the categories in the table below.

Here we go:

Precaution Description
Pregnant or Nursing Women There isn’t enough research on safety for pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Autoimmune Disorders Mushrooms like Reishi and Chaga may worsen autoimmune conditions.
Blood Thinners Reishi can affect blood clotting, so avoid it if you take blood thinners.
Fungal Allergies If you're allergic to fungi, be cautious with these supplements.

Interactions with Medications

Even highest rated adaptogenic mushroom supplements in the UK can interact with medications especially for blood pressure, blood sugar, or immune-related issues.

So, please talk to your healthcare provider if you take medicine for diabetes, high blood pressure, or autoimmune diseases.


Reishi may increase the effects of blood thinners, which can raise the risk of bleeding.

Let’s ask some common questions about the best adaptogenic mushroom supplements.

People Also Asked (FAQs)

Below are common questions you may have.

So let's go through them one after the other, shall we?

What is the best time of the day to take adaptogens?

The best time depends on the mushroom. For energy, take Cordyceps and Lion’s Mane in the morning. Reishi and Chaga are best taken in the evening to help you relax and support your immune system.

How quickly do mushroom adaptogens work?

The effects of adaptogens vary. Some people feel benefits like more energy in a few days. Others might take weeks to notice changes. Consistent use over time helps you see the best results.

What are the side effects of mushroom adaptogens?

Side effects are usually mild. They can include stomach issues like nausea or diarrhoea, allergies, or changes in blood pressure. These effects are rare but follow the recommended dose. Consult a healthcare provider if you have concerns.

Who should not take adaptogens?

People with autoimmune disorders, those on blood thinners, and pregnant or nursing women should talk to a doctor before using adaptogens. Also, those allergic to fungi should be careful when taking mushroom adaptogens.

Do mushroom adaptogens really work?

Yes, mushroom adaptogens help reduce stress, boost immunity, and improve energy. Scientific studies support these benefits, but results can vary. Each person may respond differently depending on the type of mushroom used.

Do adaptogens make you sleepy?

Most adaptogens don’t cause sleepiness. However, Reishi can help you relax and sleep better. Others, like Cordyceps and Lion’s Mane, increase energy and focus, making them better for daytime use.

Can you take adaptogens every day?

Yes, adaptogens can be taken daily. They work best with consistent use. Follow dosage instructions and check with a healthcare provider if you’re using more than one supplement at a time.


As we come to the end of this article, you need to know the best UK organic adaptogenic mushroom supplements provide a natural way to support your health and well-being.

They are handy for stress reduction, energy boost, and strengthening your immune system.

The best part?

They are rooted in ancient herbal remedies and backed by scientific research.

With that said, each product I have suggested above is one I have used.

These are from my own experience, so your results may differ.

But understand that all these work based on consistent usage.

Finally, take:

By the way, my brother Rhys, who inspired this piece, has also seen incredible results.

It means taking the best adaptogenic mushroom supplements has helped him. And I trust it will help you too.