Mushroom Coffee Benefits

I Tried Mushroom Coffee for 8 Weeks (Surprising Benefits & Drawbacks)

Does Mushroom Coffee Really Work (A Biohacker's Experience) Reading I Tried Mushroom Coffee for 8 Weeks (Surprising Benefits & Drawbacks) 22 minutes

Here are 7 key mushroom coffee benefits you probably did not know about:

1️⃣ Improved Focus & Memory

2️⃣ Boosted Energy Levels

3️⃣ Better Sleep & Stress Reduction

4️⃣ Strengthened Immune System

5️⃣ Reduced Brain Fog

6️⃣ Enhanced Physical Performance

7️⃣ Less Jitters & Stomach Irritation

Mushroom coffee is everywhere, with brands claiming benefits like better focus, increased energy, improved immunity, and even reduced stress.

But do these claims actually hold up in real life?

I'm James Bellis, founder of Balance Coffee, a coffee entrepreneur and biohacker. With 12+ years in the industry, I hold an SCA Coffee Skills Diploma and specialise in healthy coffee, biohacking, and adaptogenic mushrooms. Full bio here.

I decided to put the claims about coffee mushroom blend to the test, by drinking mushroom coffee for 8 weeks to see if I noticed real, tangible benefits.

But I didn’t just stick to one type. Instead, I focused on four of the most popular medicinal mushrooms found in mushroom coffee:

Mushroom Claimed Benefits Personal Results Science-Backed
Lion’s Mane Focus, Memory Strong improvement Strong evidence
Chaga Immunity Reduced fatigue Some evidence
Reishi Stress relief Better sleep Strong evidence
Cordyceps Energy More stamina Strong evidence

To keep things fair, I dedicated two weeks per mushroom, tracking my focus, energy levels, mood, and overall well-being.

However, there was one challenge I only had Lion’s Mane in powdered coffee form, while the others were in tinctures.

Can mushroom tinctures added to coffee be considered mushroom coffee?

Yes, mushroom tinctures added to coffee can be considered mushroom coffee because they offer better nutrient absorption than mushroom powder mixed with coffee as a blend.

While most of the best mushroom coffee brands use powdered mushrooms mixed with coffee, tinctures are highly concentrated liquid extracts.

So instead of a mushroom coffee blend, I simply added them to my daily cup of coffee using our Balance Speciality Coffees like:

Would it still work? I was about to find out.

NOTE: This article is based on a real personal experience after using these products, from 8 to 159 weeks. Individual results may vary so please consult a healthcare provider before making dietary changes.

The 8-Week Mushroom Coffee Breakdown

The next eight weeks weren’t just about drinking mushroom coffee. I wanted to see and feel the differences for myself. Each mushroom had big promises: sharper focus, better energy, stress relief, and stronger immunity.

But could they really deliver? Our customer survey suggests YES (See customer survey screenshot below).

To make things fair, I took a structured approach, two weeks per mushroom, tracking how my body and mind responded. 

Some days, I was hopeful. Other days, I wondered if I was just drinking overpriced coffee with a fancy label.

More Resources:

Here’s my weekly breakdown of what the results look like:

Weeks 1-2: Lion’s Mane Mushroom Coffee (The Focus Experiment)

I already had a pre-made powdered mix of Lion’s Mane mushrooms and coffee beans. So, I decided to begin with this medicinal mushroom first.

Here are the benefits to expect:

✔️ Boost Mental Clarity

✔️ Sharper Thinking

✔️ No Mushroom Taste

I wanted to see if Lion’s Mane mushroom coffee benefits for men, like improved focus and memory, were true.

If you asked me to rate my memory skills from 1 to 10, I would say 5.5. I don’t want to embarrass myself.

I often found it hard to recall important details discussed during work meetings. 

At home, remembering if I kept things in their proper place was something I struggled with, especially if that was something I didn’t use frequently.

I also wanted to improve my focusing skills. A task that normally takes a day to complete takes me twice as long.

My mind was usually occupied with numerous thoughts that stole most of my focus and attention.

Brewing my first mug of Lion’s Mane mushroom coffee, I expected to get a shroom feel. 

But, I got a bold taste of roasted coffee beans that wasn’t overpowering. 

It has the rich, clean texture you usually find in specialty coffee

The flavour was neither bitter nor sweet; it hit the right spot. And, there was no mushroom taste.

Before diving in further, here is a table showing you the difference between regular vs mushroom coffee.

Mushroom Coffee vs. Regular Coffee

The difference between both is unable, and here it is in the table:

Feature Mushroom Coffee Regular Coffee
Primary Ingredients Coffee + Medicinal Mushrooms (Lion’s Mane, Chaga, Reishi, Cordyceps) Pure Coffee Beans
Caffeine Content Lower (depends on the blend) Higher (typically 95 mg per cup)
Energy Boost Steady, sustained energy without jitters Quick spike but can lead to energy crashes
Cognitive Benefits May support focus & memory (Lion’s Mane) Short-term alertness due to caffeine
Stress & Anxiety Impact May reduce stress (Reishi) Can increase anxiety or jitteriness
Immune Support Contains antioxidants & immune-boosting compounds (Chaga) Some antioxidants but no immune-enhancing mushrooms
Physical Performance May enhance stamina (Cordyceps) Boosts energy but can cause dehydration
Digestive Health Easier on digestion, less acidic High acidity, can cause stomach irritation
Taste Earthy, mild flavour (varies with blend) Rich, bold coffee taste
Sleep Impact Less disruptive to sleep (lower caffeine, Reishi promotes relaxation) Can interfere with sleep if consumed late in the day
Potential Drawbacks More expensive, effects may vary Higher acidity, can cause caffeine dependence

For my experiment, I tested two doses of mushroom coffee. During the 1st week, I drank only one mug daily. 

In the second week, I increased it to two cups: one in the morning and another a few hours before bed. 

What changes did I observe? In the first week, I could feel a surge of energy that wasn’t as strong as regular coffee. But, it lasted quite a while.

Other than that, I could barely tell if my daily focus improved.

However, as the 2nd week went by, the mushroom coffee benefits were more noticeable.

My head space gained some clarity. The thoughts and brain fog that occupied my mind reduced in intensity.

How did I notice that? Well, I focused on thinking and taking steps to find a solution for a few hours. 

Though I couldn’t come up with a complete solution, I didn’t struggle as much with picking up bits and pieces of relevant information from the Internet.

My recall ability also showed signs of improvement. I could remember a few important details, such as what I was working on at the end of the day.

What are the reasons behind these types of effects? According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, lion’s mane contains special compounds that activate a process necessary for improving brain health.

According to registered nutritionist Clementine Rose:

Lion’s Mane helps the brain grow new cells, making thinking clearer. When mixed with coffee, like Balance’s Lion’s Mane Mushroom Coffee, it boosts focus and energy without causing jitters or crashes.

— Clementine Rose, BANT-Registered Nutritional Therapist & Author

Early studies published in the National Library of Medicine highlight that this could be why lion’s mane mushroom coffee benefits include enhancing memory and focus skills. 

My caffeine dose decreased as I was drinking Lion’s Mane mushroom coffee. Did that impact my sleep? A bit.

I didn’t feel on edge, even after drinking a second cup of mushroom coffee. Usually, a cup of regular coffee makes me edgy.

If I drink it a few hours before bedtime, I find it harder to fall asleep. But, mushroom coffee didn’t do that.

Start your mornings with Lion’s Mane coffee for improved focus, energy, and mental clarity. 


Let’s answer some questions you may have, shall we?

How long does it take for Lion’s Mane mushroom coffee to work?

Lion’s Mane mushroom coffee benefits normally kick in within the first or 2nd week. But, for the best results, it’s recommended to take mushroom coffee daily for at least a month. 

Can Lion’s Mane mushroom coffee help with ADHD or brain fog?

Yes, studies suggest that Lion’s Mane mushroom coffee may help with brain fog and support focus and learning ability, which could benefit ADHD symptoms. However, research on ADHD is still limited. I recommend consulting your healthcare provider before use.

Does Lion’s Mane mushroom coffee have caffeine?

Yes, lion’s mane mushroom coffee contains caffeine, but at lower levels than traditional coffee. Instead of a strong caffeine jolt, you get a balanced combination of caffeine and mushroom goodness.

The result is a smooth, long-lasting energy boost without any jitters.

Click here to try Lion’s Mane mushroom coffee for better focus and mental clarity.

Weeks 3-4: Chaga Mushroom Coffee (The Immune Booster)

The next medicinal mushroom on my list was Chaga.

And here are the benefits to expect:

✔️ Reduces inflammation

✔️ Strengthens the immune system

✔️ Promotes anti-aging

You, like me, may be wondering what are the benefits of drinking mushroom coffee?

Many claim it supports overall well-being, but could Chaga mushroom coffee help me experience these benefits? I was about to find out.

My Initial Experience with Chaga Coffee

Before I began the mushroom experiment, I noticed my body feeling sore. 

This dull, nagging pain would be in my shoulder and knee joints. And, even after rest, it didn’t go away. 

The worst part? I felt tired all the time. It became harder for me to focus, and my energy levels were at an all-time low. 

Curious, I looked up on the internet for possible causes, and inflammation was one of them. 

That could explain the joint pain and fatigue.

I prepared my mushroom coffee cup using Balance’s Stability blend, a smooth and rich coffee ground for cafetiere brewing.

Drinking Chaga Coffee (Taste & First Impressions)

I added 2ml (one full pipette) of Chaga mushroom tincture drops daily to my morning coffee mug. 

Before pouring in the Chaga mushroom drops, the coffee gave a delicious chocolatey and hazelnut flavour. 

And that didn’t change even after mixing in the Chaga mushroom tincture drops. 

During the first week, I couldn’t tell if I was getting the mushroom coffee benefits. My body felt the same.

However, as I went into week 2, the heavy feeling in my body began to lift.

What Is The Chaga Mushroom Coffee Benefit Like

I could tell there was some difference in my body pain. The sore feeling I had in my muscles and joints reduced a little too.

I remember before starting the experiment with these mushrooms, I felt really tired and sleepy throughout the day.

But as I approached the end of week 4, that feeling improved. The strong weight of exhaustion gradually lifted.

What’s the science behind it? A study published in the National Library of Medicine suggests that Chaga mushrooms contain antioxidants. 

According to Healthline, these biochemicals prevent free radicals (harmful molecules) from damaging the cells in your body, reducing inflammation, and strengthening your immune system.

By reducing inflammation, Chaga mushrooms may relieve stress and body fatigue.

Pour a few drops of Chaga mushroom tincture into your coffee for a natural way to boost immunity and ease joint pain.


Here are some answers to questions you may have.

What are the benefits of Chaga mushroom coffee?

Studies indicate that chaga mushroom coffee benefits include strengthening the immune system and reducing oxidative stress. A cup of chaga coffee daily may enhance overall well-being and longevity in the long term. 

Can I drink Chaga mushroom coffee every day?

In general, Chaga mushroom coffee is safe to drink every day. But, if you take medications or have a medical condition, it’s best to consult your doctor before making it a part of your routine. 

Does Chaga mushroom coffee taste like regular coffee?

Yes! You’ll enjoy the mushroom coffee benefits Chaga is known for without getting any shroom taste. It tastes just like regular coffee.

Click here to try Chaga mushroom tincture added to your coffee for better immunity.

Weeks 5-6: Reishi Mushroom Coffee (The Stress & Sleep Test)

Many women turn to Reishi coffee for its calming effects, making it a popular choice for relaxation.

And here are the benefits you too can expect:

✔️ Reduces stress

✔️ Boosts immunity

✔️ Promotes restful sleep

The mushroom coffee benefits for women include helping with stress management and better sleep quality. 

Reading about these benefits made me even more curious to try it out.

After looking at different liquid extract options, I chose Balance’s Reishi mushroom tincture drops. This one had many positive reviews.

The coffee blend I used in this experiment was Darkfire Energy. Its dark roasted coffee beans gave the coffee a gorgeous, mouthwatering appearance.

I got this nice earthy kick balanced by a smooth caramel sweetness in flavour.

Drinking Reishi Coffee (Taste & First Week Observations)

During the two weeks, I experimented with two different dosages. The first week, I took one mug of Reishi mushroom coffee. 

In the second week, I increased it to two mugs. One in the morning and one a few hours before bed.

The tincture I mixed in these mugs was about a half teaspoon.

For the first few days, I couldn’t tell anything. I still felt a heavy load on my shoulders, and my mind was quite stressed due to work stress.

When I took my 7th cup of Reishi coffee, the mushroom coffee benefits started to build up.

During the mornings, I was usually a victim of grogginess. A heavy fog would blanket my mind, with random work-related thoughts.

This, carried by the previous day's exhaustion, made it difficult to start my day. 

The pressure from work kept me stressed throughout the day. 

Meeting deadlines, giving reports, not meeting expectations. Do these things make you stressed too?

All that stress took a lot of energy from my body, and my productivity took a good hit. 

Even my sleep quality got messed up. I would wake up many times during the night, and find it hard to fall back asleep.

Was Reishi mushroom coffee any help at all? Yes. 

At the end of the 5th week, the heaviness in my mind became a bit lighter. The numerous thoughts about work got less intense.

The grogginess and fatigue I felt in the morning became weaker as the hours passed, which helped improve my concentration.

Reishi Mushroom Coffee Benefits (Stress Reduction & Sleep Improvement)

As I neared the 2nd weekend, the mushroom coffee benefits became more profound. 

During the day, my head space became clearer, and I could focus more on my work. 

My quality of sleep improved, too. The dose of evening mushroom coffee soothed my mind and body.

That calmness reduced the load of thoughts I used to carry to bed. I found myself falling asleep a bit quicker.

The number of times I woke up during the night also reduced. Reishi mushroom coffee could help me sleep better.

Since my sleep quality improved, my body was able to recharge. Why do I say that?

At the beginning of this experiment, it was harder for me to get out of bed. But, after 2 weeks of use, the constant feeling of exhaustion decreased.

I could put more energy and focus on my daily tasks. 

You may wonder, how do Reishi mushrooms reduce fatigue? 

Research in WebMD suggests Reishi mushrooms contain special compounds that help reduce inflammation, which may promote relaxation and stress relief.

You can also unwind from daily stresses and fatigue by taking a few drops of Reishi mushroom tincture with your cup of joe or look at the best mushroom tinctures for more options.


Will Reishi mushroom coffee make me sleepy?

Reishi mushroom coffee won’t make you feel sleepy on its own. But, it can soothe your mind and body, providing stress relief. If you drink a cup a few hours before bed, its calming action may support better sleep.

Can I drink Reishi mushroom coffee in the morning?

You can drink Reishi mushroom coffee in the morning to help manage stress. But, if you take medications, it’s best to check with your healthcare provider first.

Is Reishi mushroom coffee good for anxiety?

Studies suggest that the calming effects of Reishi mushroom coffee may help ease anxiety symptoms. However, it’s best to consult your doctor before making it a part of your routine.

Click here to try Reishi mushroom tincture added to your coffee for better sleep.

Weeks 7-8: Cordyceps Mushroom Coffee – The Energy Boost

Cordyceps was the last medicinal mushroom on my list. Why? I didn’t want to turn into a zombie, like in The Last of Us. Just kidding.

Here are the benefits you will get:

✔️ Maintains peak performance

✔️ Enhances physical efficiency 

✔️ Supports muscle recovery

This fungus species is known in science for giving a good energy boost.

So, I tested whether making a coffee mug of this mushroom would improve my productivity.

I kept Balance’s Rotate Espresso for my last experiment as I wanted a medium roast grind.

The result? A bold, punchy mouthfeel with just the right touch of sweetness, delicious in every sip.

In these 2 weeks, I drank the same dose of Cordyceps Mushroom coffee, about a half teaspoon mixed thoroughly in my morning espresso.

During the first few days, I noticed a change in my energy levels.

Cordyceps Coffee (What I Noticed)

And no, it wasn’t the same as traditional espresso, which jolts your senses before a sudden crash.

Instead, I got a smoother flow of energy. After my morning cup, I could gradually lock into my work.

Another key difference that I noticed was how long the energy boost lasted. 

With a traditional espresso, my energy dips in two or three hours. But, Cordyceps Mushroom coffee didn’t do that.

It reminded me of the energy boosts I enjoyed while testing the best lion’s mane mushroom coffee.

I got this steady rise in energy that lasted until I could complete more than half of my work.

By the 2nd week, the effects became stronger.

Unexpected Benefits (Better Stamina for Workouts)

I could do more in a shorter amount of time. My brain and body were able to work faster. 

Why? Because Cordyceps mushroom coffee benefits decreased my body’s fatigue and stress. 

Early studies in the National Library of Medicine on Cordyceps highlight that these fungi have special compounds that reduce inflammation, providing stress relief.

As I neared the end of my experimentation, I noticed another unexpected benefit. 

Some days, work leaves me so drained that I don’t have the energy to exercise.

However, with Cordyceps mushroom coffee, I didn’t feel too tired after long work hours. 

Instead, I still had the stamina to work out. And, I could exercise for an hour or more with little exhaustion. 

Where was all this energy coming from? 

Well, some clinical studies in PubMed Central discovered that Cordyceps increases the production of a compound in our body that delivers energy to muscles. 

That might explain why I had the energy to hit the gym even after a long day.

Boost your energy and productivity by adding a few drops of Cordyceps Mushroom tincture to your morning coffee.


Does Cordyceps mushroom coffee boost energy?

Yes, Cordyceps mushroom coffee may help improve energy levels by reducing fatigue and supporting stamina. Its effects are gradual and longer-lasting compared to regular coffee.

Is Cordyceps mushroom coffee good for workouts?

Yes, Cordycep mushroom coffee enhances endurance and muscle energy, making them a great pre-workout drink. However, it’s best to consult your doctor if you use medications or have any health conditions.

Can I drink Cordyceps mushroom coffee at night?

It’s best to avoid drinking Cordyceps mushroom coffee at night since it may boost energy and make it harder to fall asleep.

Click here to try Cordyceps mushroom tincture added to your coffee for better energy.

What Other Mushroom Coffee Drinkers Are Saying

So far, we have received great feedback from others, both young and old.

For example, with a 4.8-star rating, most people say it helps them think better, have more energy, and feel less tired.

Here are some real feedback and reviews from customers:

Sabrina A. 5 Star Review

I've tried a few out there, so didn't have my hopes up. But, decided to try the Balance Lion's Mane coffee, and now I'm hooked! A really delicious coffee. I look forward to that first sip of the morning! - (Lion’s Mane coffee)

See the screenshot of the review below!

Maria D. 5 Star Review

It actually works. I feel more energised,  more focus after a cup of this mushroom coffee. My test subjects confirm the same. And the taste is perfect as with all you coffees. - (Lion’s Mane coffee)

See the screenshot of the review below!

Augusto M. 5 Star Review

Powerful solution for sleep, I'm experiencing very distinct differences in my sleep quality since consuming this product at nighttime. Great value! - (Reishi tincture review)

See the screenshot of the review below!

Lilly A. 5 Star Review

As someone who's been actively seeking ways to manage stress, this supplement is helping me a lot since I take it every day. The suggestion is to take it in the evening, but I take it in the morning and it calms down my mind a lot, which helps me function better during the day. I also notice overall better sleep. Highly impressed with the results! - (Reishi tincture review)

See the screenshot of the review below!

Maxwell T 5 Star Review

My first try of the bottle was crazy. I added to my coffee as suggested and felt a surge of energy that lasted for hours. This is actually a very good product, I’ll be buying again First found out about Balance from a Joe Rogan video. - (Cordyceps tincture review)

See the screenshot of the review below!

Steven M. 5 Star Review

Great way to start the day. Since adding Cordyceps Mushroom Elixir to my morning routine I feel better for longer without searching for an additional pick me up later on. - (Cordyceps tincture review).

See the screenshot of the review below!

Who Should Not Be Taking Mushroom Coffee

Before deciding to try this type of coffee, here are some side effects you should consider.

You Should Avoid (If) Reason
People with Mushroom Allergies May cause allergic reactions like rashes or stomach issues.
Those Taking Blood Thinners Chaga may thin blood, increasing the risk of bleeding.
Pregnant & Breastfeeding Women Not enough research on safety during pregnancy or nursing.
People with Autoimmune Diseases Reishi may overstimulate the immune system, worsening conditions like lupus or arthritis.
Those on Immunosuppressants Medicinal mushrooms may interfere with transplant or immune-suppressing medications.
People with Diabetes Some mushrooms lower blood sugar, which may cause levels to drop too much.
Children & Teens Limited research on effects in younger people. Best to wait until adulthood.

Conclusion: Does Mushroom Coffee Actually Work?

After two months of testing, I found that each mushroom had unique mushroom coffee benefits

Lion’s Mane is for focus, Reishi is for relaxation, Chaga is for wellness, and Cordyceps is for energy. Using tinctures with regular coffee worked just as well as pre-made mushroom blends.

Would I continue? 

Yes! I’d use different mushrooms based on my needs, especially Lion’s Mane for work and Reishi for stress relief. 

While not a magic fix, mushroom coffee is a great natural way to boost focus, energy, and well-being.

Click here to start your mushroom coffee journey to improve your health all year round.