Lion's Mane Innovation Story

Lion's Mane Innovation Story

We formulated a game-changing blend with benefits, to bring you a healthier cup of coffee providing your essential daily dose of wellbeing.

Several months ago, I got talking with my friend Zoey Founder of Fungtn Brewing. 

We were chatting about the downsides to coffee…

You know the dreaded caffeine crash 🤦‍♀️

I was experiencing brain fog, and headaches and it was affecting my ability to concentrate in meetings at work - REALLY frustrating right?

I don't know about you, but my brain kind of turns to mush for a while - until I have that extra pick me up which gets me back on to the proverbial caffeine cycle.

Anyway, my pal, Zoey happens to be an absolute mushroom fanatic.

So she starts telling me about all the functional benefits associated with consuming ancient mushrooms in your diet…

Plus all of the additional brain-boosting health benefits like NGF (Nerve Growth Factor) 🧠 - More on that later...

Once I learned about this…we went all in.

I decided to partner with one of Nordic's leading adaptogenic supplement specialists…(best in the world)

And after hundreds of hours of blending and taste testing…

We came up with a game-changing Lion’s Mane mushroom coffee with all of the flavour and none of the crashes. 

We’ve had customers switching out our regular coffee because of the profound effects (and epic taste)!

It’s safe to say that we just managed to unlocked the key to unbelievable mental clarity and productivity.

In fact, our Lion’s Mane mushroom coffee has already been featured as one of the best mushroom coffee brands in the UK like the Evening Standard, Eating in London and Homegrounds Coffee. 

But it's not just a PR win for us, everything we've done has been formulated around the latest science-backed research and studies. Something we're incredibly proud of so if you'd like to dive into the science, check out our research study. 

So feel free to give it a try today with your £5 welcome discount (MUSHROOMCOFFEE5). Simply use at checkout.