Chemex vs V60 vs Moka vs Aeropress

Chemex vs V60 vs Moka vs Aeropress (New Experiment)

Chemex vs V60 vs Moka vs Aeropress which should you get? I carried out a full hands-on experiment and the results will blow you away. but before I get into the details, let me share a short story with you.

It was a peaceful Saturday morning, and I was feeling particularly adventurous. As I sipped my morning coffee, I thought, "Why not try something new?" 

That's when I remembered a conversation with my friend Anjal about the different coffee brewing methods. Anjal like myself is a coffee fanatic.

I couldn't help but wonder which one would deliver the best cup of coffee. So I decided to experimented with four popular coffee brewers: Chemex vs V60 vs Moka vs Aeropress.

Chemex vs Hario V60

I set up my kitchen with all four coffee brewers, excited yet nervous about the outcome. I used six criteria during my experimentation for each method:
  • Taste 
  • Ease of use
  • Speed
  • Coffee Capacity
  • Cost
  • Ease of cleaning 

Through my experimentation, I discovered the unique qualities of each coffee brewer. For example, I found the Chemex a classic pour-over method that delivered a bright and clean cup, while the V60 produced a smooth, well-balanced coffee. 

The Moka pot, a stovetop espresso maker, was perfect for strong, bold coffee, and there was also the Aeropress, delivering a smooth and rich cup.

I thought, why not put this down in writing, and share the insights and findings from this experiment. So you can decide which one is the best fit for your coffee needs?

Sit back, and let's dive into my Chemex vs V60 vs Moka vs Aeropress experiment. 

Chemex vs Hario V60 Which Is A Better Brewer?

I started this experimentation with Chemex vs Hario V60 to determine which one delivers the best taste, ease of use, coffee capacity, ease of cleaning, and overall value for the cost. In addition, I have to say I used on the best coffee beans in London.

I brewed multiple cups of coffee using each method, took detailed notes on each cup's taste, aroma, and texture, and evaluated each brewer against the mentioned criteria. So, let's dive in and discover which brewer reigns supreme: Chemex or Hario V60.

What Is A Chemex

The Chemex is more than just a coffee brewer - it's a work of art. With its elegant hourglass shape, tempered borosilicate glass material, stylish wooden handle, and rawhide leather tie, it's no wonder that the Chemex has been displayed at the Museum of Modern Art for decades.

When I first saw the Chemex, I was in awe of its beauty. But it wasn't until I tried brewing coffee with it that I truly appreciated this piece. 

What Is A Chemex

The Chemex brews coffee by placing a Chemex filter in the top half of the carafe. You can then fill it with medium-coarse coffee grounds. 

As you pour water in circles over the grounds, the coffee slowly drips into the bottom half of the carafe, producing a smooth and flavorful cup.

I remember the first time I brewed coffee with a Chemex. As I watched the coffee slowly drip into the carafe, I was struck by the aroma and the unique brewing process. 

When the coffee was ready, I poured it into a mug and sipped. The flavor was bold yet smooth, and I immediately loved the Chemex.

What Is A Hario V60

The Hario V60 is a pour-over brewer that hails from Japan. It's made by Hario, a glass company that's been around since the 1920s. 

The V60 is available in many materials, including glass, stainless steel, ceramic, copper, and plastic. Its unique wavy design is not just for looks - it's designed to direct the water for better extraction, resulting in a delicious cup of coffee.

If you're using the V60 for the first time, you may feel intimidated by the unique design, but it won't take long to get the hang of it. 

What Is A Hario V60

To brew with the V60, rest the dripper on a cup or carafe and place a special Hario filter in the cone. Then, add a scoop or two of medium-fine coffee grounds and pour water in circles over the coffee, covering it evenly.

The brewing process is fascinating to watch - as the water drips through the grounds, it extracts the coffee's aroma and flavor, resulting in a delicious cup of coffee. Then, when the coffee finishes dripping into your cup, you take the V60 off and dispose of the filter.

V60 vs Chemex Coffee Which Produces Better Tasting Coffee?

Now, don't get me wrong. The Chemex is still an excellent option that produces nuanced coffee that's smooth and bright. However, it's quite the opposite of a French press because it's low in body and clean. 

This is thanks to Chemex's thicker filters that trap more oils in the paper as the coffee is extracted. As a result, when you use single-origin coffees, you can taste the gentle fruity flavors that this method brings out.

However, during my experimentation, I did notice some downsides to Chemex. It can be a bit finicky, and it doesn't produce as clean a cup of coffee as the Hario V60.

Recommended For You: Best Coffee Beans On Amazon (FREE List)

The Hario V60 produced a gorgeous, clean cup of coffee more effortlessly than the Chemex. What do I mean by clean? Well, let's compare it to cafetière coffee. 

V60 vs Chemex Coffee Which Produces Better Tasting Coffee

While cafetière is delicious, sediment is one of the by-products of brewing with this method. Small, silty coffee grounds pass through the liquid into your cup, giving it a more textured feel.

With the Hario V60, the filter paper caught the grounds and coffee oils, resulting in an extremely enjoyable lower-body coffee. 

What's more, it amplifies more of the subtleties of the coffee itself. You can taste the individual notes expressed in ways other brewing methods can't replicate.

VERDICT: The Hario V60 is the clear winner in my book regarding better-tasting coffee.  

V60 vs Chemex Coffee Which is More Easier To Use

If you're new to brewing coffee at home and deciding between Chemex vs V60, you might want to know which one is easier to use. As a barista who has experimented with both methods, the Chemex is slightly more user-friendly.

While the Chemex and the Hario V60 have a similar difficulty level, the Chemex is more forgiving if you make a mistake. 

For example, if you pour too hard or get a different coffee grind than anticipated, the Chemex can still produce a good cup of coffee. Plus, in my opinion, it just looks better than the Hario V60.

V60 vs Chemex Coffee Which is More Easier To Use

That being said, the Hario V60 isn't difficult to use. The key to getting the best extraction is to master your pouring tempo. 

If you pour too hard, most water will run straight through the paper filter and leave an under-extracted coffee. However, with some practice, you can easily get the hang of using the Hario V60.

VERDICT: The Chemex and the Hario V60 are great options for pour-over coffee brewing. However, if you're new to the game and looking for an easier option, go with Chemex. 

Chemex vs V60 Which Is Faster To Brew Coffee

After experimenting with V60 vs Chemex, I can confidently tell you that Hario V60 brews coffee faster.  

I used a coarser grind with my Chemex (around 20) compared to my V60 (around 15) to get the best results. This is because the Chemex filter is thicker, slowing the water flow.

When I used my V60, I made a cup of coffee in just two minutes using a 15-grind setting. Sometimes it took a bit longer if I experimented with the brewing process, but it was still relatively fast.

Chemex vs V60 Which Is Faster To Brew Coffee

On the other hand, when I used my Chemex, it took at least four minutes to make one cup of coffee. Sometimes even up to six minutes if I was making two cups. Even with a coarser grind setting, it still took a while to brew.

VERDICT: Of course, there are ways to adjust your brewing process to make it faster. For example, as many people recommend, you could try using a coarser grind for your Chemex. However, despite these adjustments, the Hario V60 remains the faster brewing method overall.

V60 vs Chemex Coffee Capacity

When choosing the right size for your pour-over coffee brewer, both the Chemex vs V60 grind size is something you’ll have to consider.

For Chemex, four sizes are available, ranging from 3-cups to 10-cups. The six and 8-cup versions are the most commonly used when talking about capacity.

V60 vs Chemex Coffee Capacity

The larger sizes have a bigger belly to hold more coffee. You can also choose between a classic wooden collar design and a full glass design.

As for the Hario V60, there are three sizes available: 200ml, 600ml, and 1.2L. If you're brewing for yourself and a friend, the 200ml is perfect. 

The Hario V60 600ml is the most popular and can brew up to 4 cups of coffee. If you're brewing for a larger group, the 1.2ml version can hold up to 6 cups of joe. This is ideal for bigger families.

Ultimately, the size of your pour-over coffee brewer will depend on how many cups you need to brew at once.

Chemex vs V60 Cost

Regarding cost, the Hario V60 and Chemex have different price points. In the UK, a Hario V60 can cost anywhere from £30 to £175. 

But this depends on the finish and coffee capacity you choose. On the other hand, a Chemex typically costs around £60 for a 6-cup size.

VERDICT: Ultimately, which pour-over coffee brewer you choose will depend on your budget. But if you're looking for a more budget-friendly option to get started with, you can find cheaper versions of the Hario V60 than the Chemex. It would make the perfect coffee gift

Hario V60 vs Chemex Which Is Easier To Wash

When it comes to convenience or washing, both require their specific branded paper filter, which can be easily found in most shops and online, so it's a tie here.

The V60 brews directly into your mug or carafe, while the Chemex doubles as a server. Either way, you'll have to wash the same amount of dishes. So, it's another tie.

But when it comes to cleaning, the V60 is much easier. After disposing of the paper filter, I gave it a quick rinse, and it was done. 

Hario V60 vs Chemex Which Is Easier To Wash

VERDICT: On the other hand, the Chemex took a bit more effort due to its hourglass shape and the need to remove the wood collar. So, in terms of washing, the Hario V60 is the winner.

So, while still on Chemex vs V60 vs Moka vs Aeropress, let's dig further into the juice

Chemex vs Moka Pot Which Is A Better Brewer 

After experimenting with the Hario V60 and Chemex, I decided to switch things up slightly. So, I moved on to experiment with the Moka Pot in my kitchen cabin to see how it performs against the Chemex, following the exact same criteria used in the Hario V60 vs Chemex test. 

What was the result I got? Let's find out! But first, what is the Moka pot?

What Is A Moka Pot

A Moka Pot is a stovetop coffee brewing equipment that uses steam pressure to brew coffee. This coffee maker was invented in Italy in the 1930s. 

As a barista who uses this often, I'm impressed with its ease. All you have to do is fill the bottom chamber with water, add coffee grounds to the filter basket, screw the top chamber onto the bottom, and place it on the stove. I covered many of the best ground coffee for espresso in this article, so be sure to read it to find your preference.

What Is A Moka Pot

The heat from the stove creates pressure that forces the water up through the coffee grounds and into the top chamber, where the brewed coffee is collected. It's a straightforward process that takes only a few minutes to make a strong and flavorful cup of coffee.

One thing you have to note is that the Moka Pot can be a bit finicky sometimes, especially regarding grinding size and heat. 

Moka Pot vs Chemex Coffee Which Produces Better Tasting Coffee

The Chemex requires a paper filter that removes coffee oils and gives the resulting cup a tea-like quality with low bitterness, nice acidity, and even a touch of sweetness. 

This makes it ideal for lighter roasts of coffee, as it brings out fruity notes and extra flavours that might be lost with other brewing methods like the Moka Pot or espresso.

On the other hand, the Moka Pot works without a filter and produces coffee with earthy tones and an oily taste. The resulting cup is full-bodied and can even be smooth, though some sediment may be present. 

Moka Pot vs Chemex Coffee Which Produces Better Tasting Coffee

When it comes to bitterness, the Moka Pot tends to produce a more intense and bitter cup compared to the Chemex. The coffee can get even more bitter if left on the stovetop for too long.

VERDICT: Chemex is the winner here if you're talking about better-tasting coffee in terms of sweetness and extra flavour it brings out of your coffee beans. 

However, the choice between both comes down to personal taste. Would you prefer a clean, sweet tea-like cup or a full-bodied, earthy cup? It's up to you to decide.

Moka Pot vs Chemex Coffee Which is More Easier To Use

The Moka Pot can be tricky to use at first, especially when dealing with smaller models. Getting the coffee grounds into the filter basket can be challenging without making a mess, and adding too much water can cause leakage.

Also, you need to pay attention to the gurgling sounds from the pot while it's heating on the stove. If you let it go for too long, it can lead to a burnt coffee taste.

On the other hand, using Chemex is relatively easy. Its large, open cone makes filling it with ground coffee a breeze. The Chemex is also forgiving, giving you plenty of room to pour water slowly over the coffee in a circular motion.

The coffee drips directly into the carafe, making it less likely to spill or make a mess. And since the design is simple, it's less prone to manufacturer errors, even with off-brand models.

VERDICT: While the Moka Pot can take a bit of practice to get right, the Chemex is a more forgiving and easier-to-use brewing method.

Chemex vs Moka Pot Which Is Faster To Brew Coffee

After experimenting with both brewing methods, I found that the Moka Pot is faster to brew coffee than the Chemex.

Using the Moka Pot, it took me around 4-5 minutes from start to finish to brew a cup of coffee. 

The process is simple. You fill the bottom chamber with water, add coffee to the filter basket, screw on the top chamber, and heat it on the stove. As the water heats up, it gets forced through the coffee and into the top chamber, creating a rich, full-bodied coffee.

Chemex vs Moka Pot Which Is Faster To Brew CoffeeChemex vs Moka Pot Which Is Faster To Brew Coffee

On the other hand, brewing with a Chemex took me around 6-8 minutes. The Chemex requires a slower pour, so I had to pour water over the grounds, wetting them evenly and not overfilling the filter. 

Additionally, the Chemex filter slows down the water flow, resulting in a slower brew time.

VERDICT: The Moka Pot wins in terms of brew speed. It's a great choice for those wanting a quick and easy cup of coffee without compromising taste. 

However, the Chemex offers a more refined brewing experience and is ideal for those who enjoy taking their time and savouring their coffee.

Moka Pot vs Chemex Coffee Capacity

When it comes to capacity, both the Moka Pot and Chemex come in different sizes. The capacity of a Moka Pot ranges from 60ml to 680ml, depending on the pot size. 

The most commonly used size is the 240ml Moka Pot, which is perfect for two servings of coffee. On the flip side, Chemex has a larger capacity than the Moka Pot, which can brew up to 1.5 litres (1500ml) of coffee in one go. 

The different sizes of Chemex offer varying capacities, with the smallest size being 470ml and the largest being 1.2L. 

VERDICT: Chemex offers a higher capacity than the Moka Pot, making it more suitable for brewing coffee for larger groups. 

However, a Moka Pot is a better option if you only need to make a single serving or a small amount of coffee.

Chemex vs Moka Pot Cost

Moka Pots typically start at around £15, but you can expect to pay extra for a name-brand or stainless steel model. However, you won't have the ongoing expense of paper filters since Moka Pots do not require them. 

They are also pretty sturdy if you handle them as per the instructions, but some parts may wear off over time, which can be replaced by the manufacturer or off-brand options.

Moka Pot vs Chemex Coffee Capacity

On the other hand, the Chemex can cost around £35 for a 3-cup glass carafe, and similar models start at around £25. So aside from the few extra bucks you have to spend, you'll also require the ongoing expense of thick paper filters. 

And let's not forget that it is a stylish and elegant coffee maker made from fragile glass. If it ever happens to fall from your hands, you will have to buy a new one entirely.

VERDICT: The Moka Pot is a better option if you're looking for a budget-friendly option with minimal ongoing expenses. 

At the same time, the Chemex may be the more luxurious option for those looking for a stylish and elegant coffee maker despite the ongoing expense of paper filters.

Moka Pot vs Chemex Which Is Easier To Wash

Cleaning can be a bit more tedious for the Moka Pot due to its multiple parts. You must unscrew the top part, discard the used grounds, and carefully clean each piece. 

Of course, this includes the filter basket, funnel, and gasket. However, with proper care and experience, cleaning the Moka Pot can be quick and straightforward.

I found Chemex to be more straightforward. The device only has three parts: the glass carafe, the wooden collar, and the paper filter. 

The paper filter is easily disposable, and the carafe and collar can be quickly rinsed with warm water and soap. In addition, I find that the carafe is a breeze to clean because of its wide opening, which allows for easy access.

VERDICT: The Chemex is easier to wash due to its simple design with fewer parts. 

The Chemex vs V60 vs Moka vs Aeropress is a bit of a debate, but let's who eventuall comes up the winner.

Chemex vs Aeropress Which Is A Better Brewer

So far, I've shared my experiment with the Hario V60 and Chemex, Chemex vs Moka Pot, which has led us here. 

In the next few paragraphs, I'll discuss how the Chemex vs Aeropress performed head-to-head.  

What Is The Aeropress

The Aeropress is a manual coffee brewing device that uses air pressure to extract flavours from ground coffee beans. I must say, it's one of the easiest and most convenient brewing methods I've used. 

It's portable and lightweight, having a plunger and two chambers. You put the coffee and water into one chamber, and the plunger creates pressure to force the coffee through a filter and into your cup.

What Is The Aeropress

The Aeropress is perfect for people who enjoy brewing coffee on the go or don't want to invest in more expensive coffee brewing equipment like an espresso machine

Plus, you don't need any special skills or training to use it, making it ideal for coffee enthusiasts of any level.

Aeropress vs Chemex Coffee Which Produces Better Tasting Coffee

Regarding flavour, the Chemex produces a lighter and milder coffee taste. This taste is perfect if you prefer your coffee to be clean and tasty. 

The thick filter paper is the secret ingredient here. It ensures only the purest coffee flavour gets through. So, it's ideal for those who enjoy subtle and delicate coffee flavours. 

But what about the Aeropress? 

Well, it offers a bolder and more complex coffee taste. Yes, that's because it uses an immersion brewing method. 

Even though the coffee grounds stay in the water for less than a minute, AeroPress extracts the coffee flavours. 

You can also use the advanced inverted AeroPress brewing method for an even more intense flavour. And you get a more robust coffee taste by keeping the grounds in the water for a longer time. 

VERDICT: It depends on your preference here, but I believe I favour the Chemex slightly when it comes down to taste.

Aeropress vs Chemex Coffee Which is More Easier To Use

Both the Chemex and AeroPress are beginner-friendly coffee brewing methods, but which one is easier to use? If you're looking for a mistake-proof brewing method, you might want to consider AeroPress.

Here is why. 

As you already know, a Chemex is a pour-over coffee maker. You add a filter of coffee grounds and pour hot water, then wait for the coffee to drip into the glass carafe. 

Aeropress vs Chemex

However, the key to getting the best flavour from your Chemex is to pour water slowly and steadily over the coffee grounds, which takes some practice.

One advantage of the Chemex is that the lower half is attached to the filter cone so the coffee won't go anywhere it's not supposed to. But you may not get the best flavour from your coffee if you're in a rush.

With a Chemex, you also need to pay close attention to the grind size of your coffee. A slightly coarser grind works best with the Chemex.

The AeroPress, on the other hand, is a simple tube with a plunger that sits on top of your mug. 

All that's needed is to add a paper filter and coffee grounds, pour hot water and stir for a few seconds. What's left is to simply press the plunger to push the coffee through the filter.

It works well with medium or espresso grind sizes, commonly available in pre-packaged coffee. And it's a great choice if you're not interested in grinding your coffee. 

VERDICT: Putting all of this together, the AeroPress wins because it has a faster brewing time and doesn't require as much attention to detail as the Chemex. 

Chemex vs Aeropress Which Is Faster To Brew Coffee

If you're always in a hurry, brew time might be essential. You'll have to be a bit patient when brewing with a Chemex, which can be a disadvantage if you're in a hurry. 

For example, I had to wet the coffee grounds with heated water and wait around 30 seconds to allow the coffee to bloom. 

That step was crucial because it allowed the coffee to expand, enhancing the flavour. If you have the time, you can relish the coffee's aroma while waiting.

After blooming, you must pour hot water over the coffee grounds slowly. You have to do this in a circular motion to make sure all the grounds are wet. 

Man Making Coffee With AeroPress

Depending on the size of your Chemex, the coffee could take some time to finish brewing into the glass vessel's lower half.

With the Aeropress, it's a speedy and convenient brewing process. Once you add water to the brewing chamber, stir it with the ground coffee for ten seconds, you can sing Kumbaya 

If you prefer cold brew coffee, stir it with the grounds for one minute using room temperature water. Either way, you then press the plunger down. 

In total, the brewing process should take about a minute. Yes, you heard that right. 

So the winner? 

VERDICT: AeroPress is the winner in terms of brewing speed when compared to Chemex.

Aeropress vs Chemex Coffee Capacity

The brewing capacity is a notable difference between AeroPress and Chemex. The decision on which to use depends on the amount of coffee you want to make at once.

Chemex coffee makers come in varying sizes, but most make multiple cups of coffee at once. As a result, Chemex is perfect for making coffee for more than one person. 

However, if you need only a single cup, choose a smaller Chemex.

AeroPress's portability is one of its most well-known benefits. Given its small size, AeroPress is designed to make only one cup of coffee at a time. 

If you want to make a small amount of coffee, AeroPress is the best option. However, while AeroPress can make three servings at once, the process is more complex than the single-serving AeroPress is best known for.

VERDICT: Chemex is the way to go if you're making coffee for a group or want to have several cups at once. But if you only need one cup, the AeroPress is perfect.

Chemex vs Aeropress Cost

When it comes to cost, there are some differences you have to consider between Chemex and AeroPress.

In the UK, the Chemex coffee maker starts at around £35, and the price increases for models with greater capacity. However, the Chemex is known for its simple design, so parts are not likely to break and need replacement. 

However, as I've mentioned before, an ongoing cost with Chemex is its paper filters. The Chemex cone is taller than a generic filter, so the name-brand filters can get expensive, costing about  £10 for a pack of 100. 

On the other hand, an AeroPress retails for around £25, which is lower than the cost of a Chemex. The AeroPress also uses a paper filter in a non-standard size.  

But these filters are cheaper than Chemex filters, costing around £5 for a box of 350. That's a huge difference, right? 

And this even gets better because you can also purchase a reusable metal filter for your AeroPress. It gives your coffee a richer flavour with natural oils and more sediment, similar to French press coffee.

The AeroPress has more parts that can break or get misplaced than the Chemex. The thing I appreciate is that you can easily replace parts for AeroPress. For example, this could be a rubber gasket without sealing or a plunger. 

VERDICT: AeroPress is generally the cheaper option here.

Aeropress vs Chemex Which Is Easier To Wash

Cleaning a Chemex is relatively easy. You start by simply discarding the filter paper. The filter is compostable, so that you can recycle it. 

If your Chemex has a classic wooden collar and leather tie like the one I used for this experiment, remove it. Then, wash the borosilicate glass carafe with soap and water. The Chemex is also dishwasher-safe.

Cleaning an AeroPress is also straightforward. After brewing, the compressed coffee grounds eject from the AeroPress without leaving a mess. 

A quick rinse with water is all it took. The AeroPress is also dishwasher-safe, but be mindful that the plastic doesn't absorb the taste of the detergent.

VERDICT: Although both are not difficult to clean, the AeroPress is easier to clean than the Chemex. The simple design of AeroPress requires little maintenance. It's the ideal choice if you want a low-maintenance brewing method.

So this will be the last comparison of the Chemex vs V60 vs Moka vs Aeropress you will ever read. Because I am pouring everything into it.

In addition to the above comment, let's dive further in again as I share more my findings with you.

Moka Pot vs Aeropress Which Is A Better Brewer

Well, I finally had to experiment with Aeropress vs Moka Pot. I wanted to see which brews a better cup of joe. And like they say, you don’t know unless you try. 

Aeropress vs Moka Pot Coffee Which Produces Better Tasting Coffee

The Moka Pot and AeroPress produced excellent coffee during this experiment, but their flavour profiles differed.

The Moka Pot makes coffee with a thicker texture, strong taste, and concentrated flavour. In addition, since the coffee doesn't go through a paper filter, it retains the natural oils and sediments. 

This gives it a more intense taste, similar to espresso. In addition, some models like the one I used for this experiment produce some sort of golden crema, making it a great base if you like lattes.

Aeropress vs Chemex Coffee Which Produces Better Tasting Coffee

Coming down to the AeroPress, you'll get a cleaner and brighter flavour that is lighter in taste, similar to an Americano. 

Although it is more concentrated than drip coffee, a dense paper filter gives it a less oily taste and a more subtle aroma. This makes it an excellent option for coffee drinkers who prefer a lighter taste but still want a good caffeine kick.

What ticks the boxes as the best-tasting coffee ultimately depends on your taste preferences. If you enjoy dark roast beans, the Moka Pot might be your best bet, as it will enhance the quality of your coffee. 

But if you prefer light or medium-roast coffee, the AeroPress will allow you to appreciate the aromatic notes of your coffee and give you a cleaner taste.

VERDICT: It’s a game of roast types, so whichever you prefer, dark or light roasts, both brewers have you covered.

Aeropress vs Moka Pot Coffee Which is More Easier To Use

As you search for the perfect coffee brewing method, I'm sure you want to find something that doesn't require much skill or practice. After all, the best coffee is the one you can make right in your home without any fuss.

The Moka Pot has a lower chamber for water and a metal container for coffee grounds. What does this mean? You'll have to set it on a stove burner and let the steam push brewed coffee into the upper section. 

So, it obviously requires a heat source and can be a bit more complicated than other methods.

On the other hand, AeroPress provides a more streamlined and elegant solution. 

Aeropress vs Moka Pot Coffee Which is More Easier To Use

The cylindrical device has a filter at the end that sits on your mug. Add coffee grounds to the chamber, pour in hot water, and stir it a bit. 

After that, you lower a plunger into the chamber and push the water through the grounds by applying manual pressure. This is also great for cold brew coffee and doesn't require electricity, which makes it easy to use almost anywhere.

So, what do you think? 

VERDICT: Of course, AeroPress is the clear winner for ease of use, thanks to its simple assembly and mechanical design that is easy to understand and use.

Moka Pot vs Aeropress Which Is Faster To Brew Coffee

The time you take to brew a decent cup of joe can be a crucial factor. Yes, especially if you have a tight schedule in the morning. As for me, the faster I can get my coffee, the better.

Brewing coffee with a Moka Pot takes 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the heat source you're using. 

You could put hot water in the bottom chamber before setting it on the stove to reduce heating time. But even when you do that, the process still takes longer than other methods.

AeroPress offers more speed. After adding coffee and hot water to the chamber, you can immediately start stirring for 10 seconds before pressing the plunger down. It takes less than 2 minutes.

VERDICT: The AeroPress takes the crown for brewing speed, making it an excellent choice for busy mornings or when you need a quick caffeine fix.

Aeropress vs Moka Pot Coffee Capacity

Moka Pots offer various sizes to cater to your preferences. You can select the size that fits your needs, from a single cup up to twelve.

On the other hand, AeroPress is designed to make a single cup of coffee in one go, which should work if you're someone with a consistent coffee demand.

But, there is a drawback to this. 

It falls short in capacity when you have guests over or want to refill your cup. In addition, you'll have to go through the process of brewing multiple batches, cleaning the device, changing the paper filter, and plunging repeatedly, which can be frustrating.

VERDICT: The Moka Pot is ideal for more capacity as it offers more options for different personal or family needs.

Moka Pot vs Aeropress Cost

If the price you'll be paying in the long haul is significant, it makes more sense to consider the hidden costs of the device. 

Why? Moka Pot and AeroPress have initial competitive costs, but their ongoing maintenance needs may differ.

The price depends on the brewing capacity you choose. For example, a one-cup Moka Pot can cost around £18, less than the basic AeroPress model.

Another advantage of this coffee equipment is that it doesn't require disposable filters, making it cheaper to maintain over time.

An AeroPress will cost around £22 and comes with 350 paper filters. Replacement filters cost around £5 for a package of 350.

AeroPress replacement parts are usually sold individually, which I find convenient. But, the fact that they are readily available on the manufacturer's website suggests one thing only. 

The parts will need frequent replacement.

VERDICT: While the initial cost of Moka Pot vs AeroPress is competitive, Moka Pot is the more budget-friendly choice regarding ongoing maintenance costs. 

Its simple design makes it less likely to require replacement parts and does not need disposable filters, making it a more economical option over time.

Aeropress vs Moka Pot Which Is Easier To Wash

Your Moka Pot requires manual cleaning and is not dishwasher safe, so you have to hand wash it. Don't get me wrong; the cleaning process is relatively straightforward. 

After brewing, wait for the pot to cool down and disassemble it. Then, remove the used coffee grounds and rinse the parts with warm water. 

You can use soap and a soft sponge to clean the Moka Pot but rinse it thoroughly to avoid leaving any soap residue.

Is the Aeropress easier to clean? YES!

You simply have to rinse it with water after brewing, and removing any leftover coffee grounds doesn't require much effort. 

Unlike the Moka Pot, the AeroPress is also dishwasher safe on the top rack.

VERDICT: Aeropress is the winner here.

Best Coffee Beans For Chemex vs V60 vs Moka vs Aeropress

Life is too short for bad coffee. So I've carefully selected the best coffee beans for your Chemex, V60, Moka Pot, and AeroPress. 

For the adventurous coffee drinker who wants to explore different flavours and origins, our Single Origin Taster Pack or Discovery Subscription is the way to go. With beans from all over the world, you can discover each region's unique flavours and aromas. 

But if you want a surefire winner, we recommend our Discovery Subscription, where each batch is roasted to perfection to bring out the best in every bean.

If you prefer a bold and flavorful cup of coffee from your Moka Pot, our Stability Blend, Level Up Blend, or Espresso Taster Pack is the perfect match. 

These beans are specially crafted to create a rich, full-bodied espresso-like experience that will leave you feeling invigorated and ready to tackle the day. Even crazier is the fact they are all Healthy Coffee which is our focus as a brand.

At the heart of it all, we offer the best coffee subscription in the UK to provide coffee lovers with healthy speciality coffee beans. 

And an excellent way to keep your taste buds excited is with our coffee subscription

People Also Ask (FAQ)

Let’s answer some burning questions you may still have about this Chemex vs V60 vs Moka vs Aeropress blog post.

Is AeroPress similar to Moka pot? 

The Aeropress and Moka Pot are quite similar, as they both use pressure to brew coffee, much like an espresso machine. However, the pressure used in these two methods is much lower than that of a typical espresso machine.

Is Moka Pot stronger than AeroPress? 

Yes, the Moka pot makes coffee with a stronger taste and thicker texture than the AeroPress. This is because the Moka pot brews coffee by forcing steam through coffee grounds, producing a concentrated and bold flavour. On the other hand, AeroPress produces a lighter taste and requires less coffee to make a cup.

Can I use AeroPress grind for Moka Pot? 

While both the AeroPress and Moka pot require a medium-fine grind, the coffee ground for the AeroPress might be too fine for the Moka pot. The Moka pot needs a grind size coarser than espresso but finer than standard drip coffee.

Is Chemex easier than V60? 

The Chemex and V60 are both pour-over coffee makers, but the Chemex is generally considered easier to use.

In addition, Chemex's paper filter is thicker, making it less likely to clog and more forgiving in terms of grind size.

In contrast, the V60 requires a finer grind size and more precision in pouring water.

Can I use Chemex as V60? 

While the Chemex and V60 are both pour-over coffee makers, they require different filters and brewing methods. The V60 uses a cone-shaped filter and requires a finer grind size, while the Chemex uses a thicker filter and requires a coarser grind size.

Why does coffee taste better in a Chemex? 

The Chemex's paper filter is thicker and removes more oils and sediment from the coffee, resulting in a cleaner and brighter flavour. The filter also allows for slower extraction. The Chemex's design also allows for better heat retention, ensuring the coffee stays warm for longer.

Chemex vs V60 vs Moka vs Aeropress Conclusion

Wow, we’ve finally come to the end of my Chemex vs V60 vs Moka vs Aeropress experiment. 

It's been a great time, yeah? So, at the end of comparing these four popular brewing methods, it's clear each method produces a unique and flavourful cup of coffee. 

The Chemex and V60 create a clean and crisp cup, with the Chemex offering a more delicate and nuanced flavour profile and the V60 emphasizing the coffee's acidity. 

The Moka Pot produces a bold and rich cup of coffee, while the AeroPress delivers a smooth and balanced cup. 

Ultimately, the choice of brewing method comes down to personal preference and desired flavor profile. I strongly recommend trying each to find your perfect cup of coffee.

Enjoyed this hands-on Chemex vs V60 vs Moka vs Aeropress experimental article? More is on the way, and to get our coffee subscription, go here.